emacs 24 and moving left in visual mode
Michael Markert
markert.michael at googlemail.com
Fri Sep 16 22:36:52 CEST 2011
On 16 Sep 2011, Anton Daitche wrote:
> I have discovered the following problem when using evil with emacs 24
> (actually it is the snapshot from 2011/05/31 obtained from
> http://emacs.naquadah.org/):
That's quite old.
> When in visual mode and trying to move left with the left-arrow-key
> nothing happens. It only concerns the left-arrow-key, e.g the "h"-key
> works. And even more strange: when i first move with the "h"-key and
> then try the left-arrow-key it works.
> Can anybody reproduce this kind of behavior?
Yes, I can.
In char-wise visual-state `left-char' won't move before the column
visual-state was entered (unless you `evil-backward-char' before it).
And by 2<left> you can shift where the selection will start, this should
not happen.
And there's even more, probably related: `left-char` and `right-char` in
line-wise visual-state behave erratically (jumping beetween bol and eol
and others, can't point at it).
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