
damien.thiriet77 damien.thiriet77 at laposte.net
Tue Oct 25 09:27:40 CEST 2011


I have got some trouble with the evil-find-skip-newlines function. Athough I set 
(setq evil-find-skip-newlines t)

(require 'evil)
(evil-mode 1)
in my .emacs, f and t don’t look further than the current line. Is it because of a bad elisp syntax in my .emacs?

Another trouble is connected with undo. When using auctex macros, if I type u by mistake (which is unfortunately 
not rare when using my laptop without typematrix keyboard), so that this sequence disappears:
\item bar
\item<2> foo
after pressing . to have undo cancelled, I get just
back. Is there a way to recover everything?



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