How to advice `evil-delete'

York Zhao gtdplatform at
Mon Oct 3 05:16:06 CEST 2011


I've been straggling with this for the entire afternoon and am really really
frustrated. What I want is that when deleting an empty line, I don't want it to
be yanked, just delete.

So I adviced `evil-delete' like this and it worked as I expected.

(defadvice evil-delete
  (around around-delete (beg end type register yank-handler) activate)
  (if (eq type 'line)
	  (let (here)
		  (goto-char beg)
		  (skip-chars-forward " \n\t" end)
		  (setq here (point)))
		(if (eq here end)
			(flet ((evil-yank (&rest args) t))

However, as soon as I add another advice on `evil-yank', things stopped working
correctly, even thougt the yank advice is empty like the following, things still
not working properly.
(defadvice evil-yank
  (around around-yank (beg end type register yank-handler) activate)

The problem is that after I deleted an empty line, I could no longer yank
anything, whenever I yank I get the errer:

Debugger entered--Lisp error:
(wrong-type-argument commandp evil-yank)
call-interactively(evil-yank nil nil)

Could anybody give me some idea of where the problem is? Am I supposed to advice
these "special" operator functions and is there anything "special" in advicing

Thanks in advace,


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