Configuring Evil - disable arrow keys and movement line by line?

Chris Lott chris at
Sun Nov 20 23:08:29 CET 2011

In my normal .gvimrc I have disabled arrow keys using the following
(grabbed from the web somewhere):

"disable arrow keys so I am forced to use the 'real' movement keys
inoremap  <Up>     <NOP>
inoremap  <Down>   <NOP>
inoremap  <Left>   <NOP>
inoremap  <Right>  <NOP>
noremap   <Up>     <NOP>
noremap   <Down>   <NOP>
noremap   <Left>   <NOP>
noremap   <Right>  <NOP>

And I have mapped keys so that movement is visual line by line (since
I usually work in a wrapping mode where each paragraph is a line):

nnoremap j gj
nnoremap k gk
vnoremap j gj
vnoremap k gk

Can I do the equivalent in Evil somehow?

Chris Lott

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