evil-surround and evil-leader are available through el-get

Natan Yellin aantny at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 10:59:44 CET 2011

Hi Frank,
That sounds like an issue with el-get itself. I would open a ticket or ask


blog: http://natanyellin.com
<http://natanyellin.com/>twitter: @aantn <http://twitter.com/aantn>

On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 10:24 AM, Frank Fischer <
frank.fischer at mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 01:42:19PM +0200, Natan Yellin wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > evil-surround and evil-leader are now available through el-get, the
> awesome
> > meta package manager for emacs <https://github.com/dimitri/el-get>.
> >
> > The recipes are available on master. For those new to el-get, you can
> easily
> > install a package with:
> I've just tested evil from el-get and it seems that el-get does not
> byte-compile all files (at least on my machine). Perhaps something like
> :build `(,(concat "make EMACS=" el-get-emacs))
> should be added to the recipe?
> Furthermore during testing the following strange thing occurred, but
> I'm not sure of this is a problem with the recipe or with el-get
> itself, but you're the expert:
> With a minimal .emacs file only loading el-get and not requesting any
> other package do the following:
> 1. M-x el-get-install RET evil RET
> 2. M-x el-get-remove RET evil RET
> 3. restart Emacs (this is important)
> 4. M-x el-get-install RET evil RET
>   nothing happens. Instead the following message pops up:
>   "el-get: `undo-tree' package is already installed"
> 5. M-x el-get-remove RET undo-tree RET
> 6. M-x el-get-install RET evil RET
>   both undo-tree and evil are installed
> Alternatively executing (el-get 'sync 'undo-tree) after requesting the
> installation of evil (i.e. after step 4.) starts the installation of
> evil, too. It seems as if it is not enough do have undo-tree installed
> but it must also be loaded in order to install evil. I would expect
> el-get to load undo-tree automatically if required.
> Frank
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