default key bindings (with control modifier) not working?

laputa5 laputa5 at
Tue May 3 09:59:08 CEST 2011


I'm new with Emacs and vimpulse (Thanks for this wonderful extension!). 
Sorry if this question has been answered somewhere or if this is not the 
right place to ask.

I have Emacs 23.3 and the up-to-date vimpulse. It works great except 
that all the default key bindings with the control modifier don't seem 
to work. i.e. in vimpulse-misc-keybindings.el, key bindings like these 
are not working,

(define-key viper-vi-basic-map "\C-]" 'vimpulse-jump-to-tag-at-point)
(define-key viper-vi-basic-map "\C-t" 'pop-tag-mark)

 >>> (describe key gives:  C-t runs the command viper-nil)


(define-key viper-insert-basic-map "\C-p" 'vimpulse-abbrev-expand-before)
(define-key viper-insert-basic-map "\C-n" 'vimpulse-abbrev-expand-after

 >>> (describe key gives: C-p runs the command self-insert-command )

If I rebind them like this, they work,
   (define-key viper-insert-global-user-map "\C-p" 

Also the default key bindings from viper mode (not vimpulse) don't have 
any issue (e.g. C-c, C-h, C-b, C-d, ...).

What's missing?


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