Why does :q kill my emacs?

Vegard Øye vegard_oye at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 26 11:14:18 CET 2011

On 2011-01-26 09:40, Guivho wrote:

> However, I am frustrated by the fact that now :q or :wq completely
> kill emacs rather than the current buffer.
> This is not the case when I stick to viper.

For an immediate fix, you can revert to the original Viper behavior by
setting `vimpulse-want-quit-like-Vim' to nil before loading Vimpulse:

    (setq vimpulse-want-quit-like-Vim nil)
    (require 'vimpulse)

I'm all ears to suggestions regarding daemon/client mode. Maybe :q
should call `server-edit' (bound to "C-x #" by server.el) when the
buffer was initiated by emacsclient?


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