Another Emacs mode candidate: Buffer-menu-mode

Christoph LANGE langec at
Thu Aug 18 09:51:54 CEST 2011

Dear evil developers,

here is another candidate for "Emacs mode by default": 
Buffer-menu-mode, which is active in the buffer invoked with C-x C-b (= 
M-x list-buffers), uses a number of single-key shortcuts, including:

--- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< ---
o -- select that buffer in another window,
   so the buffer menu buffer remains visible in its window.
V -- select current line's buffer, but in view-mode.
C-o -- make another window display that buffer.
m -- mark current line's buffer to be displayed.
v -- select current line's buffer.
   Also show buffers marked with m, in other windows.
--- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< --- %< ---



Christoph Lange,, Skype 

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