One more evil user: ^W and viper-in-more-modes

Christoph LANGE langec at
Sun Aug 14 23:13:43 CEST 2011

Hi Frank, hi Vegard,

here is one more user who switched from vimpulse to evil.  It's great to 
see that there has been so much progress recently, and that there is 
even a lot of functionality that had not existed before.  (Well, at 
least vim-style macros with q and @ did not exist in vimpulse – maybe 
they did in vim-mode – and I was impressed to see them supported.)

You can be sure that I will report any bugs as soon as I encounter them. 
  For now, there are two things I'm missing:

* I would like ^W in insert mode to behave as in vi.  For now I fixed 
that as follows:

(define-key evil-insert-state-map "\C-w" 'backward-kill-word)

Maybe you could make it customizable as something like "Evil Want C W 
Delete".  (Note that the term "delete" is rather vim than Emacs style. 
I took it from vim's help, which documents ^W as "delete word before the 

* I am looking forward to a port of viper-in-more-modes, which I am 
currently using in emacs-lisp-mode and LaTeX-mode.



Christoph Lange,, Skype 

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