evil inside

York Zhao gtdplatform at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 21:30:37 CEST 2011

Hi Tim,

Nice to see you here. I was using your "vimpulse-surround" every day while
on Vimpulse and have been missing it since switched to Evil. I almost wanted
to send you an email telling you how wonderful Evil looks like and hopped
that you would be implementing the "surround" in Evil soon. Now we got you.


On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 1:50 PM, Timothy Harper <timcharper at gmail.com>
Just wanted to post that I switched out vimpulse for evil, and I am digging
it! Great work guys!  It feels more responsive, and less buggy.

I've started to extend evil to implement surround. So far I have surround
region implemented, that was easy. evil-define-key works brilliantly.
 Change surround / delete surround is going to be a little more tricky

Previously, my approach was to implement custom text objects that were
flagged as surrounding text objects. Then I implemented
vimpulse-delete-surround-or-delete, vimpulse-change-surround-or-change,
bound then to 'd' and 'c' respectively, and prompted for a text object. If
the returned text object was flagged as a surround text object, I acted
accordingly, otherwise forwarded on to vimpulse-delete / vimpulse-change.

I think a better approach, this time, would be to implement
evil-change-maybe-surround. It would prompt for the next keystroke.  If 's',
then prompt for a text object and perform the operation. Otherwise, stick
the key back into unread-command-events and forward to evil-change.

Does a better extension mechanism exist, or is that approach a good one in
your eyes (Vegard?)

Thanks so much for bringing evil to my emacs! :)

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