Modify repeat keys?

Vegard Øye vegard_oye at
Thu Aug 11 19:00:31 CEST 2011

On 2011-08-11 16:02 +0200, Frank Fischer wrote:

> The tricky thing was that I tested the following code:
> (let ((f '(lambda (x))))
>   (evil-add-command-properties f :repeat t)
>   (evil-get-command-property f :repeat))
> This code returns t the first time it is called but nil
> all other times, which confused me.

My bad. `evil-put-property' and `evil-get-property' (and their
derivations) should of course be fully symmetric -- if one uses
`eq', so should the other.

> Perhaps it's better either not to use `add-to-list' (so that non-eq
> lambdas are always considered different, also on put, otherwise it
> would be impossible to store two different lambdas that happen to be
> equal) or to use `assoc'. I think the first one is better.

I agree. Fixed in commit 5b5c0a7.


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