Evil cursor color

Vegard Øye vegard_oye at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 1 14:46:23 CEST 2011

On 2011-07-30 12:30 +0200, Thomas Hisch wrote:

> Evil currently sets the cursor color to black which conflicts with
> my color-theme. Any ideas for a general solution to this problem?

Each state may specify the cursor color and cursor type with its
`evil-STATE-state-cursor' variable. If the color is not specified,
it is assumed to be black, to prevent one state's color from spilling
into another.

Commit c457f75 adds a `evil-default-cursor' variable for changing this
assumption. The variable is initialized to the current color when
Evil is loaded, so if you set up your color theme before loading Evil,
everything should just work. If not, add this line to .emacs:

    (setq evil-default-cursor t)

Then Evil will not reset the cursor color at all. (Of course, should
you decide to add color to any `evil-STATE-state-cursor' variable,
then you should specify a default color as well.)


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