[Vimpulse] Bug: `.' doesn't work right with the `r' command

Alessandro Piras laynor at gmail.com
Fri Jun 4 16:16:56 CEST 2010

Vegard Øye <vegard_oye at hotmail.com> writes:

>> From: laynor at gmail.com
>> Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2010 21:59:25 +0100
>> Issuing `.' after a `r' command waits for a key to be pressed,
>> e.g. issuing `rx', moving and issuing `.' won't replace the char
>> under the cursor with 'x', but will wait for the user to type
>> another character.
> Gosh, I forgot about repeat when I rewrote `vimpulse-replace'.
> Good catch! This should be fixed in commit [a67df707e2].
> Vegard
Easy to notice for me, I use it a lot in my emacs configuration!
For example, when I want something that looks like
;;; Vimpulse stuff ;;;
I write the middle line, yypp and then Vr; the first line, and then . on
the third line :-)
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