surround.vim vimpulse extension

Tim Harper timcharper at
Fri Jul 23 20:46:46 CEST 2010

Did anybody else use surround.vim?

I've missed it ever since I switched to Emacs. Finally, last night, I
got up the energy to hack something together:

Things that work:

* Changes surrounding enclosures
* add surrounding enclosures
* delete sounding enclosures

Not working yet:

* Surround region with a tag
* non-visual surrounding of regions (IE: ysiw")
* repeat surround modifications

I'm not extremely happy with my approach on how I'm looking into the
delete/change commands. Basically, I'm hijacking them in doing an
advise (as in defadvice) approach.

Feedback welcome, but mostly, I hope this is enjoyed by somebody else.


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