[implementations-list] Vimpulse: vi* and va* object selection implementation proposal

José A. Romero L. escherdragon at gmail.com
Sat Nov 21 11:55:34 CET 2009

Hello Vim fans,

This is about the Vimpulse vim emulation for emacs.

I've  made  some  modifications  to  Vimpulse  in order to add visual
selection of text objects (vi* and va*)  and  a  few  other  details,
namely  selection  widening  (e.g.  try  doing "va(" on some sexp and
pressing "_" one or more times) and setting and activating the  emacs
mark when entering visual mode. Besides, I noticed that version 0.3.0
of Vimpulse contains three versions of  the  vimpulse-visual-replace-
region function. I fixed that too.

@Jason  S, Alessandro P.: Would you have a look at it and let me know
what you think? I'm sending in attachment the patch, as  well  as  an
already patched version of Vimpulse 0.3.0.

José A. Romero L.
escherdragon at gmail.com
"We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals."
(Quarry worker's creed)

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