[implementations-list] Alessandro Piras is the new Vimpulse maintainer

Jason Spiro jasonspiro3 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 09:05:11 CEST 2009

Alessandro Piras, one of the original Vimpulse authors, contacted me
on Gtalk and volunteered to be the new Vimpulse maintainer.
Alessandro, thank you for volunteering.  I hereby appoint you as the
new maintainer.

I think all patches should still go to this list, though Alessandro
gets the final decision on whether that should be so or not.

May I retain my commit rights -- in other words, may I still upload
more changes directly without asking you for permission to upload

Jason Spiro: software/web developer, packager, trainer, IT consultant.
I support Linux, UNIX, Windows, and more. Contact me to discuss your needs.
+1 (416) 992-3445 / www.jspiro.com

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