[implementations-list] Re: vimpulse - visual select with emacs -nw

Alessandro Piras laynor at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 04:49:27 CEST 2009

(defadvice viper-intercept-ESC-key (around
 vimpulse-esc-exit-visual-mode activate)
  (when (and vimpulse-visual-mode
             (not (input-pending-p)))
    (vimpulse-visual-mode '-))

2009/7/30 Alessandro Piras <laynor at gmail.com>:
> I got rid of the problem. I don't really know if it will work on a
> slow ssh session, but better than nothing :)
> place this in your .emacs after the vimpulse stuff:
> ;; advice viper-intercept-ESC-key to exit visual mode with esc
> (defadvice viper-intercept-ESC-key (around
> vimpulse-esc-exit-visual-mode activate)
>  (when (and vimpulse-visual-mode
>             (not (input-pending-p)))
>    (vimpulse-visual-mode nil))
>  ad-do-it)
> This should do the job.
> Anyway, using hjkl is a nice thing to learn :)
> 2009/7/30 John MacFarlane <jgm at berkeley.edu>:
>> +++ Jason Spiro [Jul 29 09 20:16 ]:
>>> On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 7:41 PM, John MacFarlane<jgm at berkeley.edu> wrote:
>>> > +++ Alessandro Piras [Jul 29 09 22:25 ]:
>>> >> Yeah, Jason is right I think. Didn't check because I'm too lazy to reboot now.
>>> >> I never tried to export EXDELAY, but I got rid of my ESC problems with
>>> >> this piece of elisp in my .emacs:
>>> >>
>>> >> (when tty-erase-char
>>> >>   (set-input-mode t nil t)
>>> >>   (setq viper-no-multiple-ESC t))
>>> >> This should get rid of the stupid ALT=ESC problem that bugs everyone
>>> >> that uses viper in terminals, but I've no idea at all if it works in
>>> >> gnome terminal. It works for me in konsole, konsole+screen and xterm
>>> >> too iirc. Try it and let me know :)
>>> >
>>> > Sorry, that didn't work for me either.
>>> Sorry, I don't know how to fix the problem.  I don't know why ESCDELAY
>>> didn't work; the most likely explanation is that Emacs doesn't use
>>> ncurses.  You can try waiting a while
>>> to see if someone else on this list replies.  Or you can try the
>>> help-gnu-emacs list (if you do, then please crosspost to this list.)
>>> Or you can switch to running Emacs in your windowing system instead of
>>> a terminal.
>>> Either way, let us know what you decide to do in the end -- I am curious.
>> Thanks for all your help -- at least we know what the problem is now. I
>> guess I'll have to learn to use hjkl for navigation and stop using the
>> arrow keys!
>> John

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