[implementations-list] Fwd: viper-in-more-modes
Jason Spiro
jasonspiro3 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 00:09:39 CET 2009
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alexey Romanov <alexey.v.romanov at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 10:24 AM
Subject: viper-in-more-modes
To: jasonspiro3 at gmail.com
I've been using both Vimpulse and viper-in-more-modes and extended
vimm to Haskell, Ruby, Prolog and LaTeX (from AucTEX) modes.
I'm sending you the modified file. Ruby, Haskell, and Prolog work, but
LaTeX doesn't.
For some reason
(viper-modify-major-mode 'LaTeX-mode 'vi-state my-LaTeX-modified-vi-map)
doesn't seem to work, since my-LaTeX-modified-vi-map has the correct value.
About Vimpulse: if I have selected a region while in Normal mode, can
I switch to Visual while keeping the selection? 'v' loses it.
Yours, Alexey Romanov
-------------- next part --------------
;;; viper-in-more-modes.el --- vi-like keybindings for various Emacs modes
;; Copyright (C) 2007 Alessandro Piras, Brad Beveridge, Jason Spiro
;; Version: 0.1.2
;; Authors: Alessandro Piras <laynor at gmail.com>,
;; Brad Beveridge <brad.beveridge at gmail.com>
;; Maintainer: Jason Spiro <jasonspiro3 at gmail.com>
;; URL: http://emacswiki.org/elisp/viper-in-more-modes.el
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; Commentary:
;; This file is an unofficial add-on to viper-mode. It currently
;; provides vi-like keymaps for emacs-lisp-mode, lisp-interaction-mode,
;; slime-repl-mode, and lisp-mode. If you have any questions or
;; comments, please email the authors and maintainer. We provide no
;; guarantee of help with such early code. If you extended this file to
;; cover additional modes, we would be very grateful; please contact us.
;; There are no installation instructions or usage instructions, but
;; we might be able to help you out if you contact us. If you wrote
;; such instructions and added them to this wiki page, we would be very
;; appreciative.
;; This is alpha-quality code. If it works for you, we would
;; appreciate it if you let us know.
;;; Change Log:
;; Version 0.1.2: Removed some duplicate keybinding code. Also,
;; slime-list-callees is now on the ">" key instead of on the "<" key
;; which was already taken. Thank you Stephen Bach <sjbach at comcast.net>.
;; Version 0.1.1: Made viper-leader-char a var, not a const. Thank you
;; John J Foerch <jjfoerch at earthlink.net>.
;; Version 0.1: Initial upload to wiki.
;;; License:
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
;; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
;; Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
;; FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
;; details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
;; this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
;; Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
;; Begin utility code {{{
;;; Macro workaround to make some commands ;;;
;;; work on the character the cursor is on ;;;
;;; too (eg. in visual mode pressing "d" ;;;
;;; deletes also the char under the cursor ;;;
;;; (like in vim) ;;;
(defmacro do-one-char-forward (&rest body)
"Wraps the body between `forward-char' and `backward-char' to make commands
work on closed parens like one can expect in vi."
, at body
(defmacro def-simple-vimper-wrapper-ocf (name &rest body)
"; Define a wrapper for a command to execute it as if the cursor was one
; char forward the current position. Uses `do-one-char-forward'. Use it
; like a defun without lambdalist.
; For example, this:
; (def-simple-vimper-wrapper-ocf my-eval-last-sexp (eval-last-sexp))
; expands to this:
; (defun my-eval-last-sexp ()
; (interactive)
; (do-one-char-forward
; (eval-last-sexp)))"
`(defun ,name ()
, at body)))
;; }}} End utility code
;; Begin major mode keybinding code {{{
;;;; Major mode keybindings and functions used by vimper ;;;;
(defvar viper-leader-char " ")
(defmacro vimper-defkey-l (map key func)
`(define-key ,map (concat viper-leader-char ,key) ,func))
;;; Emacs Lisp Mode - Viper Mappings ;;;
;;; Commands definitions (Almost all are work-arounds due to the fact that
;;; Emacs wants the cursor to be _after_ the ")" to execute functions
;;; on sexps. We use the `do-one-char-forward' utility macro here,
;;; look at vimper/utilities.el for details on that macro).
(defun vimper-eval-last-sexp (&optional eval-last-sexp-arg-internal)
(do-one-char-forward (eval-last-sexp eval-last-sexp-arg-internal)))
(defun vimper-eval-region (&optional arg)
(interactive "P")
(if (not viper-visual-mode)
(message "Select the region in Visual Mode!")
(eval-region (min (mark) (point)) (max (mark) (point)))
(viper-visual-mode 'toggle)))
(defun vimper-pp-eval-region ()
(message (pp-to-string (vimper-eval-region))))
(defun vimper-pp-eval-last-sexp (&optional eval-last-sexp-arg-internal)
(do-one-char-forward (pp-eval-last-sexp eval-last-sexp-arg-internal)))
;; macroexpand command (macroexpands last sexp)
(def-simple-vimper-wrapper-ocf vimper-macroexpand
(message (pp-to-string (macroexpand (sexp-at-point)))))
;; macroexpand-all command (macroexpands-all last sexp)
(def-simple-vimper-wrapper-ocf vimper-macroexpand-all
(message (pp-to-string (macroexpand-all (sexp-at-point)))))
;;; bindings
(setq my-elisp-modified-vi-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(vimper-defkey-l map "p" (make-sparse-keymap))
(vimper-defkey-l map "pe" 'vimper-pp-eval-last-sexp)
(vimper-defkey-l map "pE" 'pp-eval-expression)
(vimper-defkey-l map "pr" 'vimper-pp-eval-region)
(vimper-defkey-l map "e" 'vimper-eval-last-sexp)
(vimper-defkey-l map "r" 'vimper-eval-region)
(vimper-defkey-l map "da" 'apropos)
(vimper-defkey-l map "df" 'describe-function)
(vimper-defkey-l map "dv" 'describe-variable)
(vimper-defkey-l map "E" 'eval-expression)
(vimper-defkey-l map "m" 'vimper-macroexpand)
(vimper-defkey-l map "M" 'vimper-macroexpand-all)
(vimper-defkey-l map "B" 'byte-compile-file)
(viper-modify-major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode 'vi-state my-elisp-modified-vi-map)
(viper-modify-major-mode 'lisp-interaction-mode 'vi-state my-elisp-modified-vi-map)
;;; Common Lisp Mode - Viper Mappings ;;;
;;; Slime ;;;
;; Commands
(def-simple-vimper-wrapper-ocf vimper-slime-compile-defun
(def-simple-vimper-wrapper-ocf vimper-slime-eval-defun
(def-simple-vimper-wrapper-ocf vimper-slime-eval-last-expression
(def-simple-vimper-wrapper-ocf vimper-slime-pprint-eval-last-expression
(defun vimper-slime-eval-region ()
(if (not viper-visual-mode)
(message "Select the region in Visual Mode!")
(slime-eval-region (min (mark) (point)) (max (mark) (point)))
(viper-visual-mode 'toggle)))
(defun vimper-slime-macroexpand-1 (&optional REPEATEDLY)
(interactive "P")
(slime-macroexpand-1 REPEATEDLY)))
(def-simple-vimper-wrapper-ocf vimper-slime-macroexpand-all
;; Bindings
;; In general the Viper Slime mappings are much the same as regular Slime bindings,
;; The C-c and C-x prefixes are dropped.
;; When commands are similar, we use a lower case letter for the C-<key> case and an upper
;; case letter for the M-<key>, such as:
;; C-c C-k : slime-compile-and-load-file : (vip-slime-leader k)
;; C-c M-k : slime-compile-file : (vip-slime-leader K)
;; All commands begin with vip-slime-leader, which defaults to <space>
;; the M-x commands are not mapped, as they are presumably rare
;; Some keys are a triple key sequence. The second key is a marker for a category
;; the third key is the activation key.
(setq my-lisp-modified-vi-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
;; Compilation Commands
(vimper-defkey-l map "k" 'slime-compile-and-load-file)
(vimper-defkey-l map "K" 'slime-compile-file)
(vimper-defkey-l map "c" 'vimper-slime-compile-defun)
(vimper-defkey-l map "C" 'slime-remove-notes)
;; Do I want to change those??? Meta key -_-''
;; TODO: of course I want to change theese!! we're using
;; leader char here, so it definately sucks!!
;; Finding definitions (they are same as Slime default)
(vimper-defkey-l map "\M-." 'slime-edit-definition)
(vimper-defkey-l map "\M-," 'slime-pop-find-definition-stack)
;; Note handling has the same binding as Slime defaults
(vimper-defkey-l map "\M-n" 'slime-next-note)
(vimper-defkey-l map "\M-p" 'slime-previous-note)
;; Lisp Evaluation
(vimper-defkey-l map "x" 'vimper-slime-eval-defun)
(vimper-defkey-l map "e" 'vimper-slime-eval-last-expression)
(vimper-defkey-l map "p" 'vimper-slime-pprint-eval-last-expression)
(vimper-defkey-l map "r" 'vimper-slime-eval-region) ; watch for visual mode!!
;; Lisp Documentation
;; 3 key sequences
(vimper-defkey-l map "dd" 'slime-describe-symbol)
(vimper-defkey-l map "da" 'slime-apropos)
(vimper-defkey-l map "dz" 'slime-apropos-all)
(vimper-defkey-l map "dp" 'slime-apropos-package)
(vimper-defkey-l map "dh" 'slime-hyperspec-lookup)
(vimper-defkey-l map "d~" 'common-lisp-hyperspec-format)
;; Macro expansion
(vimper-defkey-l map "m" 'vimper-slime-macroexpand-1)
(vimper-defkey-l map "M" 'vimper-slime-macroexpand-all)
(vimper-defkey-l map "t" 'slime-toggle-trace-fdefinition)
;; Disassembly
(vimper-defkey-l map "D" 'slime-disassemble-symbol)
;; Abort/Recovery
(vimper-defkey-l map "b" 'slime-interrupt)
(vimper-defkey-l map "~" 'slime-sync-package-and-default-directory)
(vimper-defkey-l map "P" 'slime-repl-set-package)
;; Cross-reference
;; All cross-reference functions are
;; triple key sequences
;; (vip-slime-leader ?w key)
(vimper-defkey-l map "wc" 'slime-who-calls)
(vimper-defkey-l map "wr" 'slime-who-references)
(vimper-defkey-l map "wb" 'slime-who-binds)
(vimper-defkey-l map "ws" 'slime-who-sets)
(vimper-defkey-l map "wm" 'slime-who-macroexpands)
(vimper-defkey-l map "<" 'slime-list-callers)
(vimper-defkey-l map ">" 'slime-list-callees)
;; Inspector
(vimper-defkey-l map "i" 'slime-inspect)
(vimper-defkey-l map "R" 'slime-switch-to-output-buffer)
(vimper-defkey-l map "z" 'slime-switch-to-output-buffer)
;; Profiler
;; "p" is already taken as a key, we
;; use "f" to access the profiler functions
(vimper-defkey-l map "f" (make-sparse-keymap))
(vimper-defkey-l map "ft" 'slime-toggle-profile-fdefinition)
(vimper-defkey-l map "fp" 'slime-profile-package)
(vimper-defkey-l map "fu" 'slime-unprofile-all)
(vimper-defkey-l map "fr" 'slime-profile-report)
(vimper-defkey-l map "fR" 'slime-profile-reset)
(viper-modify-major-mode 'lisp-mode 'vi-state my-lisp-modified-vi-map)
;;; Slime Inspector Mode - Viper Mappings ;;;
;;; Slime ;;;
;;; Slime REPL Mode - Viper Mappings ;;;
;;; Slime ;;;
(setq my-repl-modified-vi-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(vimper-defkey-l map "m" 'vimper-slime-macroexpand-1)
(vimper-defkey-l map "i" 'slime-inspect)
(vimper-defkey-l map "<C-return>" 'slime-repl-closing-return)
(vimper-defkey-l map "G" 'end-of-buffer)))
(viper-modify-major-mode 'slime-repl-mode 'vi-state my-repl-modified-vi-map)
(setq my-repl-modified-insert-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(vimper-defkey-l map "<C-return>"
(viper-modify-major-mode 'slime-repl-mode 'insert-state
;;; LaTeX Mode - Viper Mappings ;;;
(setq my-LaTeX-modified-vi-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(vimper-defkey-l map "pp" 'preview-at-point)
(vimper-defkey-l map "pw" 'preview-copy-region-as-mml)
(vimper-defkey-l map "pe" 'preview-environment)
(vimper-defkey-l map "ps" 'preview-section)
(vimper-defkey-l map "pr" 'preview-region)
(vimper-defkey-l map "pb" 'preview-buffer)
(vimper-defkey-l map "pd" 'preview-document)
(vimper-defkey-l map "Pp" 'preview-clearout-at-point)
(vimper-defkey-l map "Ps" 'preview-clearout-section)
(vimper-defkey-l map "Pr" 'preview-clearout-region)
(vimper-defkey-l map "Pb" 'preview-clearout-buffer)
(vimper-defkey-l map "Pd" 'preview-clearout-document)
(vimper-defkey-l map "pf" 'preview-cache-preamble)
(vimper-defkey-l map "Pf" 'preview-cache-preamble-off)
(vimper-defkey-l map "pi" 'preview-goto-info-page)
(vimper-defkey-l map "p?" 'preview-goto-info-page)
(vimper-defkey-l map "%" 'TeX-comment-or-uncomment-paragraph)
(vimper-defkey-l map ";" 'TeX-comment-or-uncomment-region)
(vimper-defkey-l map "?" 'TeX-doc)
(vimper-defkey-l map "e" 'LaTeX-environment)
(vimper-defkey-l map "]" 'LaTeX-close-environment)
(vimper-defkey-l map "k" 'TeX-kill-job)
(vimper-defkey-l map "l" 'TeX-recenter-output-buffer)
(vimper-defkey-l map "^" 'TeX-home-buffer)
(vimper-defkey-l map "_" 'TeX-master-file-ask)
(vimper-defkey-l map "d" 'TeX-save-document)
(vimper-defkey-l map "`" 'TeX-next-error)
(vimper-defkey-l map "tb" 'TeX-toggle-debug-bad-boxes)
(vimper-defkey-l map "tw" 'TeX-toggle-debug-warnings)
(vimper-defkey-l map "c" 'TeX-command-master)
(vimper-defkey-l map "r" 'TeX-command-region)
(vimper-defkey-l map "tr" 'TeX-pin-region)
(vimper-defkey-l map "b" 'TeX-command-buffer)
(vimper-defkey-l map "tp" 'TeX-PDF-mode)
(vimper-defkey-l map "ti" 'TeX-interactive-mode)
(vimper-defkey-l map "ts" 'TeX-source-specials-mode)
(vimper-defkey-l map "to" 'TeX-Omega-mode)
(vimper-defkey-l map "f" 'TeX-font) ; TODO: Try to find a way to define "fb" and similar
(vimper-defkey-l map "N" 'TeX-normal-mode)
(vimper-defkey-l map "ob" 'TeX-fold-buffer)
(vimper-defkey-l map "Ob" 'TeX-fold-clearout-buffer)
(vimper-defkey-l map "or" 'TeX-fold-region)
(vimper-defkey-l map "Or" 'TeX-fold-clearout-region)
(vimper-defkey-l map "op" 'TeX-fold-paragraph)
(vimper-defkey-l map "Op" 'TeX-fold-clearout-paragraph)
(vimper-defkey-l map "om" 'TeX-fold-macro)
(vimper-defkey-l map "oe" 'TeX-fold-env)
(vimper-defkey-l map "oc" 'TeX-fold-comment)
(vimper-defkey-l map "Oi" 'TeX-fold-clearout-item)
(vimper-defkey-l map "oo" 'TeX-fold-dwim)
(vimper-defkey-l map "qe" 'TeX-fill-environment)
(vimper-defkey-l map "qp" 'TeX-fill-paragraph)
(vimper-defkey-l map "qr" 'TeX-fill-region)
(vimper-defkey-l map "qs" 'TeX-fill-section)
(vimper-defkey-l map "Q" 'TeX-fill-paragraph)
(vimper-defkey-l map "s" 'LaTeX-section)
(vimper-defkey-l map "v" 'TeX-view)
(vimper-defkey-l map "i" 'LaTeX-insert-item)
(vimper-defkey-l map "qr" 'TeX-fill-region)
(vimper-defkey-l map "qs" 'TeX-fill-section)
(vimper-defkey-l map "Q" 'TeX-fill-paragraph)
(vimper-defkey-l map "s" 'LaTeX-section)
(vimper-defkey-l map "~" 'LaTeX-math-mode)
(vimper-defkey-l map "&" 'reftex-view-crossref)
(vimper-defkey-l map "(" 'reftex-label)
(vimper-defkey-l map ")" 'reftex-reference)
(vimper-defkey-l map "-" 'reftex-toc-recenter)
(vimper-defkey-l map "/" 'reftex-index-selection-or-word)
(vimper-defkey-l map "<" 'reftex-index)
(vimper-defkey-l map "=" 'reftex-toc)
(vimper-defkey-l map ">" 'reftex-display-index)
(vimper-defkey-l map "[" 'reftex-citation)
(vimper-defkey-l map "\\" 'reftex-index-phrase)
(vimper-defkey-l map "|" 'reftex-index-visit-phrases-buffer)
(viper-modify-major-mode 'LaTeX-mode 'vi-state my-LaTeX-modified-vi-map)
;;; Haskell Mode - Viper Mappings ;;;
(setq my-haskell-modified-vi-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(vimper-defkey-l map "t" 'inferior-haskell-type)
;;(vimper-defkey-l map "T" 'inferior-haskell-insert-type)
(vimper-defkey-l map "i" 'inferior-haskell-info)
(vimper-defkey-l map "h" 'haskell-hoogle)
(vimper-defkey-l map "l" 'inferior-haskell-load-file)
(vimper-defkey-l map "d" 'inferior-haskell-find-haddock)
(vimper-defkey-l map "?" 'inferior-haskell-find-haddock)
(vimper-defkey-l map "=" 'haskell-indent-insert-equal)
(vimper-defkey-l map "|" 'haskell-indent-insert-guard)
(vimper-defkey-l map "o" 'haskell-indent-insert-otherwise)
(vimper-defkey-l map "w" 'haskell-indent-insert-where)
(vimper-defkey-l map "." 'haskell-indent-align-guards-and-rhs)
(vimper-defkey-l map "z" 'switch-to-haskell)
(vimper-defkey-l map ">" 'haskell-indent-put-region-in-literate)
(vimper-defkey-l map "\M-." 'inferior-haskell-find-definition)
(viper-modify-major-mode 'haskell-mode 'vi-state my-haskell-modified-vi-map)
;;; Prolog Mode - Viper Mappings ;;;
(setq my-prolog-modified-vi-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(vimper-defkey-l map "l" 'inferior-prolog-load-file)
(vimper-defkey-l map "c" 'inferior-prolog-load-file)
(vimper-defkey-l map "z" 'switch-to-prolog)
(viper-modify-major-mode 'prolog-mode 'vi-state my-prolog-modified-vi-map)
;;; Ruby Mode - Viper Mappings ;;;
(setq my-ruby-modified-vi-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(vimper-defkey-l map "l" 'ruby-load-file)
(vimper-defkey-l map "r" 'ruby-send-region)
(vimper-defkey-l map "R" 'ruby-send-region-and-go)
(vimper-defkey-l map "b" 'ruby-send-block)
(vimper-defkey-l map "B" 'ruby-send-block-and-go)
(vimper-defkey-l map "x" 'ruby-send-definition)
(vimper-defkey-l map "X" 'ruby-send-definition-and-go)
(vimper-defkey-l map "z" 'switch-to-ruby)
(vimper-defkey-l map "l" 'ruby-load-file)
(vimper-defkey-l map "s" 'run-ruby)
(viper-modify-major-mode 'ruby-mode 'vi-state my-ruby-modified-vi-map)
(setq my-inferior-ruby-modified-vi-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(vimper-defkey-l map "l" 'ruby-load-file)
(viper-modify-major-mode 'inferior-ruby-mode 'vi-state my-inferior-ruby-modified-vi-map)
;; }}} End major mode keybinding code
(provide 'viper-in-more-modes)
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