00:20:21 Ashish Kothari: Maybe you can all put your affiliations / intros here in teh chat ... for others to know 00:22:05 Abhayraj Naik: 'Humanity's Greatest Inheritance', a talk by Pir Zia Inayat Khan as part of the Awakening the Heart Sufi Conference in 2008. (Also titled Sufism's Contribution to Planetary Culture). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxzM-T8PQiA 00:23:14 Christian Stalberg (he/him): my intro: PhD student in anthropology at California Institute of Integral Studies. senior consultant to UNDP Bolivia on Buen Vivir & climate chaos adaptation and mitigation measures. email: christian@naturalintelligence.us 00:25:01 Ashish Kothari: Ashish Kothari, Kalpavriksh (India), Vikalp Sangam, and Global Tapestry of Alternatives; based in Pune, India 00:26:20 Patrick Bond: Patrick Bond, University of Johannesburg Department of Sociology: pbond@mail.ngo.za 00:28:39 massimo.de-marchi@unipd.it: Massimo De Marchi, University of Padova, International Joint Master Programme on Climate Change and Diversity: Sustainable Territorial Development - Cooperation (CCD-STeDe) - maximo.demarchi@gmail.com 00:32:48 Steven Klees: Hi, I am an economist teaching in the College of Education at the University of Maryland and co-founder of The Alternatives Project https://www.thealternativesproject.org/ 00:35:52 Steven Klees: If you haven't seen our Statement, please check it out and consider signing! https://www.thealternativesproject.org/ 00:39:43 Melanie E L Bush: Love the way that young folks are so part of our stories! 00:40:34 Ashish Kothari: Agenda: - Members' updates since the last time we met - Progress of actions decided on by the Working groups - Recent collaborations on learning methods and on webinars - Way forward as a group 00:42:31 Ashish Kothari: These are materials like alternative courses, pedagogies, etc that members have contributed 00:45:44 Melanie E L Bush: Perhaps we could do it in sequence… 00:50:25 PallaviVarmaPatil: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sY1zrrRvYYh0l-6qCmRjQJwKun4BJMOH7jRJ7XK2huI/edit#gid=0 00:59:28 PallaviVarmaPatil: 113 01:03:33 massimo.de-marchi@unipd.it: About mapping story maps and mapping ftom berlow, web GIS etc. https://www.climate-justice.earth/amazonya-project-mapping-gas-flaring-from-below/ 01:04:13 massimo.de-marchi@unipd.it: https://research.climate-justice.earth/ 01:08:58 massimo.de-marchi@unipd.it: other options are based on ONA https://ona.io/amazonya19/111556/492463#/map 01:09:57 Patrick Bond: Ah, thanks for remembering our hostility to the false alternative of BRICS! (Ashish let me and Ana Garcia write about that in the Pluriverse book.) On Friday the BRICS meet (virtually) and on Sunday Modi and Ramaphosa fly to the G7 in Germany. So it's a week ahead of hot politics. The NAPM and allies are hosting some debates - "People's BRICS" - about this on 27 June so if you want to be involved, please let me know: pbond@mail.ngo.za 01:11:08 massimo.de-marchi@unipd.it: Thanks Patrick 01:11:58 Melanie E L Bush: Belief in 01:12:04 Melanie E L Bush: “The people” 01:13:25 Melanie E L Bush: We’ve set up a folder to gather our materials 01:16:42 PallaviVarmaPatil: I read everything about melanie! 01:20:18 Melanie E L Bush: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sY1zrrRvYYh0l-6qCmRjQJwKun4BJMOH7jRJ7XK2huI/edit#gid=58909973 01:21:49 Melanie E L Bush: And to be frank, my students are ALWAYS extremely skeptical. And can rarely initially come up with ideas of what they have to offer, or what they need 01:23:14 Melanie E L Bush: Then, as Pallavi’s students, they express how meaningful this one hour activity was to them - challenging so many core notions of who they are, what is possible etc etc etc 01:27:31 PallaviVarmaPatil: thanks Patrick! 01:27:33 Steven Klees: Thanks Patrick 01:28:46 Melanie E L Bush: El Cambalache FB: www.facebook.com/lacambalache El Cambalache Blog: https://cambalache.noblogs.org El Cambalache Canal de Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCslgLGj8V0LFxSaDnL8iYQg Twitter: LaCambalachera Instagram: Elcambalachesancristobal Tiktok: @cambalacheras 01:28:49 Sonali Sathaye: We do a similar assignment in the course I teach on "Planetary Health" to health professionals at the Master's level for QMUL. Students are supposed to take a point of view on "planetary health" and publish it in the BMJ. 01:29:21 Melanie E L Bush: Join the MOVEMENT: Share, Sign, Donate and Spread the Word. Every act is important and valued… STOP THE EVICTION! To DONATE: https://gofund.me/5d95d2b8 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ElCambalache To SIGN and SHARE: https://www.change.org/AyudanosNoPermitasQueNosDesalojen 01:29:23 PallaviVarmaPatil: urvi: please would you be able to save the chat? 01:29:58 Ashish Kothari: yes we’ll save it and send it around along with breif minutes 01:30:00 Sonali Sathaye: It has been a great exercise because it allows students to, first of all, clarify their thoughts. And secondly, as Patrick said, to join the conversations in public health as activists 01:32:50 Ashish Kothari: https://radicalecologicaldemocracy.org 01:35:37 Steven Klees: Could you share your climate justice syllabus? 01:36:50 Franco Augusto: I need to leave now, thanks all for the great sharing. See you al ssoon! 01:37:57 Pallav: Thanks everyone - got to leave now. Flying off to Delhi later in the afternoon - Washington heat is not enough - 110 plus is the thing! Let’s all be in touch! 01:38:59 Christian Stalberg (he/him): I too must leave. thank you. till next time 🙏 01:39:04 Sonali Sathaye: At TACC we are in the process right now of designing workshops for teachers on CC 01:40:54 Abhayraj Naik: https://teachersagainstclimatecrisis.wordpress.com 01:41:01 Melanie E L Bush: Reshaping Social Relations in Educational Theory and Practice: A Global Teaching and Decolonizing Collaboration https://socialjustice.isaportal.org/pedagogy-series/issue-4-january-2022/ 01:41:21 Abhayraj Naik: https://www.climatejustice.in 01:43:17 Melanie E L Bush: If you are interested in having students interact in the fall, let me know! melanie.e.l.bush@gmail.com 01:45:11 Patrick Bond: Curious, before we close... about auto-critique traditions in your scenes. I set out some 'scholactivism' lessons from South Africa (along with other comrades) in this article, if anyone wants to give feedback... and it also provides the "ten sins" that we have come to avoid (if we behave well), so if others have a 'code of conduct' to share, I'd be grateful... as we make way too many mistakes in activist-oriented pedagagy here in South Africa! https://ojs.library.ubc.ca/index.php/clogic/article/view/190849 01:45:11 Steven Klees: Thanks Abhayraj! 01:46:27 Melanie E L Bush: Thanks each and all! 01:46:58 Melanie E L Bush: Terrific Pallavi! 01:47:47 Abhayraj Naik: thank you everyone ~ 01:48:07 Sonali Sathaye: thanks, all