[PeDAGoG] Invitation to Debate on AI

Manish Jain m.jain at rocketmail.com
Fri Oct 20 19:42:59 CEST 2023

Dear friends-hope you are well. i invite you to consider hosting a local watch party on your campus for this event. it will be a good opportunity for students and faculty, particularly from the global south, to deepen their understanding and critiques of AI and techno-utopianism. love,manish

Hi Manish,
On the 7th of November, we are hosting The Future of AI event with Mustafa Suleyman.  Mustafa is publishing a new book “The Coming Wave” and this is a book launch event.  Mustafa co-founded DeepMind, one of the world’s leading artificial intelligence companies acquired by Google. After a decade at DeepMind and Google, where he was vice president of AI product management and AI policy, Mustafa co-founded Inflection AI.
The event will be a dynamic online Q&A conversation about the book and the future of artificial intelligence. The aim is to enable change-makers and educators to comprehend the profound impacts of AI and help them formalize strategies to harness AI’s potential for driving social/environmental progress and mitigating its challenges.
This is a great opportunity for members of the Ecoversities Alliance with physical locations to host a “watch-party” and join the online conversation.  Everyone physically attending the event will be given a free copy of the book.
What we need to know within the next week is: 
- Which organisations are interested in organising the event in person
- How many people do they anticipate will attend the event and how many books do they want for the event?
We need this information by next Sunday, 22 October. This is the form interested organisations need to fill out: https://share.hsforms.com/1SOqrgVMeQXeQKzyeZWXUjwc3hgc It includes information on book numbers + their address.
- Organisations can use the attached invitation to promote the event. 
They can contact Kaajal for more information (kaajal at xinx.co).
Feel free to let me know if you need more information.
Thanks so much!
Alenka, Complexity University
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