[PeDAGoG] Fwd: Changing the tide: Join the revolution to fight climate change with "SÍ al Yasuní"

Andrea González Andino andreagonzalezandino at gmail.com
Fri Jul 21 05:18:01 CEST 2023

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: salo.jose.andrade at gmail.com <salo.jose.andrade at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jun 23, 2023, 5:10 PM
Subject: Changing the tide: Join the revolution to fight climate change
with "SÍ al Yasuní"
To: Ecoversities Friends <ecoversitiesfriends at googlegroups.com>

Hi! My name is Salo, and I want to share an ecological activist story that
will change the history of our planet.

Right now, Ecuador is facing an upcoming referendum on the 20th of August
to preserve one of the most biodiverse places in our Amazon jungle, the

This referendum is the first time a society organizes itself and urges
government authorities to change the laws and prohibit oil extraction in a
sensitive biodiverse area. Here is the first tangible action that can
inspire more people and create a shift in the tide of our society toward a
new way of living, where nature, water, soil, air, and beings (humans and
more-than-humans) are treasured and taken care of with respect,
responsibility, and commitment.

This story started ten years ago, and right now, we are launching a
national campaign in Ecuador to share the importance of saying "SÍ al
Yasuní" (Yes to the Yasuní) with the voting society. We aim to reach the
majority of the voters so they can also say yes to life, yes to our future,
and yes to the coming generations. You can find more information and ways
to join the campaign here: English
and Spanish

Please write back if you have any questions and share this message with all
your family, friends, and loved ones. We need all the voices we can get to
share this historical step!

With a heart full of joy and commitment, Salo

[image: GRAFICA-PARA-PRESENTACIÓN_Mesa-de-trabajo-1.jpg]

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