[PeDAGoG] Upcoming PeDAGoG meeting on 7th October- 1PM GMT

Sujit.Sinha sujit.sinha at apu.edu.in
Wed Sep 28 15:21:41 CEST 2022

Noted. Will be there 

Sujit Sinha 


From: GTA-PeDAGoG [mailto:gta-pedagog-bounces at lists.ourproject.org] On Behalf Of Urvi Shah
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2022 12:24 PM
To: gta-pedagog at lists.ourproject.org
Subject: [PeDAGoG] Upcoming PeDAGoG meeting on 7th October- 1PM GMT


Dear all,

Hope you are well.


We will be holding our upcoming PeDAGoG meeting on the 7th of October, 1 PM GMT to discuss way forward, activities, and ideating for upcoming webinars and workshops. Please confirm your availability for the same. Find the link to the meeting below.



Topic: PeDAGoG meeting

Time: Oct 7, 2022 01:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time


Join Zoom Meeting

 <https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82061529241?pwd=MFFqajM5S0o0UnJmWUU0QmttdGFrUT09> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82061529241?pwd=MFFqajM5S0o0UnJmWUU0QmttdGFrUT09


Meeting ID: 820 6152 9241

Passcode: 748986



We also had a wonderful exchange in the last few months that highlights sharing and collaboration which is at the core of the PeDAGoG network. Magna, who is 11 years old, created some magic with her art to make a recent interview with Melanie Bush and Pallavi Varma Patil on their time bank collaboration more exciting. Catch this in our latest GTA Periodical and let us know what you think! ( <https://globaltapestryofalternatives.org/newsletters:08:collaboration> https://globaltapestryofalternatives.org/newsletters:08:collaboration)


Melanie and Pallavi are going to hold an online workshop on using time banks and more in classroom settings in October. Do attend the meeting on 7th to be a part of the planning discussion.


Hoping to see you soon!


Warm regards,



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