[PeDAGoG] check out The Alternatives Project

Steven J. Klees sklees at umd.edu
Sun Mar 20 17:18:07 CET 2022

Dear Colleagues,

I have been a member of PeDAGog for a year or two, but wasn't getting
emails until Pallavi helped me get linked up.  What a wonderful group
engaged in interesting things!

I wanted to bring to your attention an organization I helped found called
The Alternatives Project, along with a group of progressive academics,
civil society activists, and union members.  We have a wonderful
Statement (in multiple languages) we would like to invite you to sign
*and *circulate.
To date it has been signed by over 400 educators/activists from all over
the world.


By way of introducing my work, you might be interested in a short piece I
did for Evonomics (standing for evolutionary economics).  It begins with a
critique of mainstream economics and quantitative research methods and
finishes with a discussion of the many alternatives of practice out there,
including GTA.


In solidarity,

Steven J. Klees

Former President and Honorary Fellow, Comparative and International
Education Society

University Distinguished Scholar-Teacher

Professor, International Education Policy Program

Affiliate Faculty, Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender, and
Sexuality Studies

Affiliate Faculty, Latin American Studies Center

Affiliate Faculty, Consortium on Race, Gender & Ethnicity

College of Education

University of Maryland

College Park, MD 20742



Recent Book:  *The Conscience of a Progressive*

Blog:  https://blog.umd.edu/stevenklees/

Co-founder: https://www.thealternativesproject.org/
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