[PeDAGoG] TOMORROW, Friday, at 11am Irish Standard Time: 'From Academia to Pandemia?: Reflections on the pivot to remote learning and its implications for Higher Education' (UCC Public Seminar, online, all welcome)

Davis, Laurence L.Davis at ucc.ie
Thu Sep 9 11:44:40 CEST 2021

Public Seminar

‘From Academia to Pandemia?: Reflections on the pivot to remote learning and its implications for Higher Education’

Friday, 10th September, 11am-1pm

Online Event via Microsoft Teams

Link to join: Click here to join<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YjNmMzYwNzktOTE4Zi00YzMyLWFhYWEtNGNhM2IzMTRhYzRi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2246fe5ca5-866f-4e42-92e9-ed8786245545%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22e91ebb10-2392-4c3a-a8ca-d446bf9404d8%22%7d>

University College Cork

All are welcome

The aim of this seminar is to initiate a dialogue about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the associated ‘pivot’ to remote or blended education on the academic community, with particular focus on staff and student well-being and the core university missions of teaching and research. The seminar will commence with three 15-minute presentations by academics working in this area, followed by discussant contributions representing a student, a digital education, and a union perspective. There will be an opportunity following all the presentations for Q&A and a facilitated discussion.

Academic Presentations:

Professor Kalpana Shankar, School of Information and Communication Studies, UCD

Dr. Karl Kitching, School of Education, University of Birmingham

Dr. Darren Webb, School of Education, University of Sheffield


Ms. Asha Woodhouse, President, UCC Students’ Union, 2021/22

Dr. Sarah Thelen, Instructional Designer, Office of the Vice-President for Teaching and Learning, UCC

Mr. Frank Jones, General Secretary, Irish Federation of University Teachers


Dr. Laurence Davis, Department of Government and Politics, UCC


This public seminar is sponsored and supported by IFUT.

Further information: Contact Dr. Laurence Davis, Department of Government and Politics, University College Cork, at l.davis at ucc.ie

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