[PeDAGoG] "Virtues in Movement" Video Archives (first batch)

Nadarajah Manickam amanibana at gmail.com
Sat Jan 9 05:38:42 CET 2021

Dear Friends:


In October 2020 a team of us
<https://amanibana.wixsite.com/virtues/team> working
or associated with the Centre for New Humanities and Compassion Studies
(Bhubaneswar), Indian Social Institute (New Delhi) and Loyola Institute for
Peace and International Relations (Kochi) came together to start the *Virtues
in Movement *Initiative.

(*Important*; *Please note:* *A number of persons have reported that when
they tried to access the web page links provided below, they get a warning
note. I am not sure why. These, for now, free sites are done on a bonafide
web provider, wix.com <http://wix.com>. I think it is safe to disregard the
warning as some friends have done. But that decision is entirely yours.)*

We had a simple query to guide the initiative: *How come with so many
religions, social and political philosophies/philosophers, so many
inspiring constitutions, international/global charters,
vision-mission-values organisational documents, hundreds of universities
and thousands of courses, events after events, and a growing number of
research initiatives and reports, etc humanity is still in a big mess
<https://amanibana.wixsite.com/virtues/concerns>. How come? What is that we
are not getting right? This initiative is another small initiative to seek
some indication to know and understand...and hopefully, act...To look at
not just society (outside) but also self (inside).*

The initiative has 3 stages
<https://amanibana.wixsite.com/virtues/initiative-stages>. *The first stage
is an attempt to create an asynchronous conversation among persons from all
over the world who are willing to share their personal struggles, journeys
and lessons learnt (in addressing the query above). The sharing (trying to
avoid the lecture mode) is through a short video (not more than 13 minutes,
or shorter, or done in two or 3 parts). *It can take any format.

As of today, we have a rich crop of 47 titles
<https://amanibana.wixsite.com/vim-network/collections> from 12 countries.
The contributors who made time for the initiative are students,
professionals, young and older public intellectuals, activists, feminists,
teachers, environmentalists, and community elders The effort is on pause
now. We are in a review/social audit mode...to fine-tune the video sharing.
We will reach out to sections and persons we were unable to again from
March 2021.

Please have a look at the collection (October
<https://amanibana.wixsite.com/virtues/contributions>, November
<https://amanibana.wixsite.com/virtues/november-collection>, December
<https://amanibana.wixsite.com/virtues/december-collection>, All)
<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDt7Ju2LG-iZqZR2PaYOKQg/videos>. *If
relevant,  please use the videos in your classes, your lectures, your
training sessions, your events, your reflections, your criticisms, your
articles, etc. These stories need to be heard by more people. Your
constructive criticisms are welcome as it will add to our social audit
process. Also, you can reach out to any person that you may want to
continue a conversation with or pursue a line of action,  or even draw
his/her interest to your (or other) work (some sort of "friendly
recruitment"). Email ids are available at the end of the videos. *(Note: I
cannot promise their response though. Apologies.)

An "event" (Virtual Campfire) based on this initial stage of the effort
will be held on the 30th and 31st January. Will share details next week.

Thank you.

Warm Regards,

"Set your life on fire.
Seek those who fan your flames." (Rumi)
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