[PeDAGoG] recording of TALK??: Indigenous, non-western understandings of CC e: GTA-PeDAGoG Digest, Vol 9, Issue 1

Nina Smolyar nina.l.smolyar at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 21:10:09 CET 2021


i forwarded it to my academic home base (i'm a Phd student) at University
of Vermont (USA) listservs and colleagues earlier today, and got a few
inquiries with interest in the topic and asking about a recording, due
schedule conflicts.
  will there be one to share out afterwards? We very much hope so.

Thanks so much!


*Note: Please pardon any curtness and grammar oddities. The huge and
months-long sustained spike in computering {typing, mousing, striking ‘look
at screen’ pose for hours} has flared up arm pain, from an old~ish injury,
bigly. Minimizing typing et al. helps a lot! Thank you for your

Nina Smolyar

~ ~ ~

On Mon, Feb 1, 2021 at 6:03 AM <gta-pedagog-request at lists.ourproject.org>

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> than "Re: Contents of GTA-PeDAGoG digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Reminder: Feb. 2: our NEXT TALK: Indigenous, non-western
>       understandings of CC (singhvan at rcn.com)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2021 09:29:31 -0500 (EST)
> From: singhvan at rcn.com
> To: "vikalp-sangam-list " <vikalp-sangam-list at googlegroups.com>,
>         "PeDAGoG: Post-Development Academic-Activist Global Group"
>         <gta-pedagog at lists.ourproject.org>
> Subject: [PeDAGoG] Reminder: Feb. 2: our NEXT TALK: Indigenous,
>         non-western understandings of CC
> Message-ID: <956727114.24970552.1612103370993.JavaMail.root at rcn.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Dear All,
> Please see below and disseminate widely. Thank you,
> Vandana
> Teachers Against the Climate Crisis (TACC)
> Welcomes you to the 22nd talk in our series
> Indigenous and non-western understandings of climate change:
> Latin American challenges to colonial and extractivist discourses
> 2 February, Tuesday, 6 pm IST
> By Rosalyn Bold, Department of Social Anthropology, University College,
> London
> Use the following Zoom link to join. All are welcome.
> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87369834218
> Dr Rosalyn Bold is a social anthropologist whose work focuses on creating
> a cosmopolitics of climate change. She undertook her PhD fieldwork in
> Highland Bolivia, and wrote Indigenous Perceptions of the End of the World:
> Creating a Cosmopolitics of Change (2019) and articles on pro-indigenous
> environmental law in Bolivia, as well as on the 'cosmoscape', considering
> how contrasting worlding practices contest and converse with one another in
> contemporary indigenous responses to extractivism.
> About the talk : What relevance can indigenous and other non-western
> environmental understandings have in creating climate change strategies?
> Rosalyn Bold will outline the recent turn to cosmopolitics and political
> ontology in the social sciences, which have allowed us to take seriously
> the cosmological and environmental understandings of indigenous peoples in
> Latin America, and worldwide. Contemporary philosophers of science have
> explained how the modern mentality, which assumes human control over
> natural resources, underlies extractivist processes that cause climate
> change. Can ‘other’ worlding practices help us to strip understandings of
> climate change and the environment back to their roots and imagine more
> sustainable strategies? Can taking such worlds seriously contribute to
> respecting existing sustainable lifestyles and ways of inhabiting the
> environment?
> About the group : Teachers Against the Climate Crisis (TACC) is a
> non-funded, non-party organization that seeks to promote understanding and
> engagement about different aspects of the climate crisis among students,
> teachers, and activists. To engage with our work, and get to know of future
> talks, visit https://teachersagainstclimatecrisis.wordpress.com/ .
> Twitter: @climateTACC
> --
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> End of GTA-PeDAGoG Digest, Vol 9, Issue 1
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