[PeDAGoG] [UP CIDS] NEW PUBLICATION: "Thinking With and Beyond Marx: Critical Essays on Politics, History, and Art (Volume 1)"

Honey Tabiola htabiola at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 08:48:21 CEST 2020

Dear everyone,

We are pleased to inform you of the online release of Volume 1 of the Marx
200 Lecture Series Monograph of the UP CIDS Program on Alternative
Development (AltDev).

Published in commemoration of the 200th Birth Anniversary of Karl Marx, the
Monograph is the latest contribution of Filipino scholars who are “thinking
with and beyond Marx” on some of the most important and urgent questions in
politics, history, and art. If there is any revolutionary thinker who can
shed light on recent world historical developments, it is Karl Marx.

* UP CIDS Public Policy Monograph*

*Thinking With and Beyond Marx Critical Essays on Politics, History, and
Art (Volume 1)*

Edited by Eduardo C. Tadem and Honey B. Tabiola

*Program on Alternative Development*

Short link: *bit.ly/marx200vol1* <http://bit.ly/marx200vol1>

Download link:

For more information about AltDev, please visit the UP CIDS website:
https://bit.ly/37MVcqb. Thank you very much and stay safe!


Hans Tabiola

Junior Research Analyst
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