[Ginga-peru] Reg: Website Design & Development!

manu manu.kapoor at panzertechno.com
Wed Jun 13 06:44:11 CEST 2012

Dear Manager,


Hope everything is fine at your end.


I would really appreciate if you can take 2 minutes out of your busy schedule and read my company profile. If you're interested in working with us you can reply me back or call on below numbers and if this email caused you any kind of problem I really apologize for that.


My name is Manu Kapoor, Sales Support Specialist with Panzer Technologies. We offer offshore development solutions to our clients and offshore Dedicated Staff Development services. We have a plan, to cut your company's expenses and make it more profitable. Our prices just can't be ignored when you run a business. 


Techno Services We Offer:


1) PHP Development Services

Languages and Scripting: Java, C/C++, XML, HTML, JavaScript, AJAX, DOM, CSS
Servers and Middleware: Apache, Tomcat, LAMP, WAMP
CMS: Wordpress, Ecommerce, Drupal, Zend, Joomla


2) BlackBerry Application Development Services

Languages and Scripting: C, C++, Java

Mobile Operating Systems: Android Platform, BlackBerry OS6 and P2K(Motorola Proprietary Platform)

Versioning Management Systems: Perforce, Clear Case, SVN.

Tools: Eclipse,GDB,Open ICE and MS Visual Studio2005

Web Services: REST,JSON Parsing


3) ColdFusion Development Services

Web Technologies: Cold Fusion, HTML/DHTML, Javascript 

Databases: MS Access, SQL Server 2k/2005/2008
Web/Application Servers: Cold Fusion 5/7/8, IIS 5.0/6.0/7


4) Ruby on Rails Development Services

        Languages/Techno: C++, Java, J2EE (Servlets and JSP), Swing, SWT, Ruby, HTML, HAML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, XML, Web 2.0, JSON, MYSQL
        Framework: Ruby on Rails (2&3 version), EMF, GEF, Ext Js 2.0, Prototype, JQuery
        Web Servers: Ngnix, Apache2.2
        Application Servers: Mongrel and Webrick
        Repositories: VSS, SVN, CVS, GIT
        Methodologies: Agile Development



5) Visual FoxPro Development Services

Operating systems: MS-DOS, Novell NetWare, Windows Family,
Database: Visual FoxPro, FoxPro
Office Package: MS Word, Excel


6) Quality Assurance Testing:

Performance Tool: Load Runner.
Testing Tools: QTP, Load Runner, Win Runner, ANTS Load, Bugzilla, Test Director, SITEMAPPER, WEBART, Xenu.


To know more about us Visit at www.panzertechnologies.com

Warm Regards,
Manu Kapoor- Sales Support Specialist

Panzer Technologies Ltd.

Skype: Manu.panzertech

Direct: 203 803 1377

Email: manu.kapoor at panzertechno.com

website: www.panzertechnologies.com



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