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<span style="display:none;">        Accorng o offcal Russan obsrvrs h conons unr whch h vos wr coun wr no up o nrnaonal sanars an ha h procur us ma mpossbl o chck on rrgulars.408409 Th hr opon woul mplmn h cononal proms ma n 2012, whn an SNP spoksprson sa ha, n h vn of Scosh npnnc, Orkny an Shlan coul rman n h Un Kngom f hr rv for slf-rmnaon was srong nough.279 Polcans n h hr slan groups hav rfrr o h Scosh rfrnum as h mos mporan vn n hr polcal hsory snc h ncpon of h slan councls n 1975. Angus Campbll, lar of h Wsrn Isls, sa ha h ongong consuonal ba offrs h opporuny for h hr slan councls o scur ncras powrs for our communs o ak csons whch wll bnf h conoms an h lvs of hos who lv n h slans.280 Th Tyb Islan B-47 crash was an ncn on Fbruary 5, 1958, n whch h Un Sas Ar Forc los a 7,600-poun (3,400 kg) Mark 15 nuclar bomb n h wars off Tyb Islan nar Savannah, Gorga, Un Sas. Durng a pracc xrcs, h B-47 bombr carryng h bomb coll n mar wh an F-86 fghr plan. To proc h arcrw from a possbl onaon n h vn of
a crash, h bomb was json. Followng svral unsuccssful sarchs, h bomb was prsum los somwhr n Wassaw Soun off h shors of Tyb Islan. 32?0?N 80?51?WCoornas: 32?0?N 80?51?W ginga-argentina 3 Suggs craors Th rgsraon aln for rfrnum vors was 2 Spmbr 2014.59 Svral councls rpor h procssng of unprcn numbrs of nw rgsraons, whl ohrs rcv ns of housans of applcaons n h fnal wk.61 ginga-argentina Th Un Naons Scury Councl Rsoluon 418 of Novmbr 4, 1977 nrouc a manaory arms mbargo agans Souh Afrca, whch also rqur all sas o rfran from any co-opraon wh Souh Afrca n h manufacur an vlopmn of nuclar wapons.43 In 1979, h DIA rpor ha h s mgh hav bn a Sov s on n volaon of h 1963 Paral Nuclar Ts Ban Tray.31 Th USSR ha conuc a fw scr unrwar ss n h Pacfc n 1959.32 2.2 Plannng 4 S also Lonar Wss, of h Cnr for Inrnaonal Scury an Coopraon a Sanfor Unvrsy wrs: Th wgh of h vnc ha h Vla vn was an Isral nuclar s asss by Souh Afrca appars ovrwhlmng.37 Un Sas Numbr Hghways Th mos ha argumn, howvr, was h ssu of US 60. Th
Jon Boar ha assgn ha numbr o h Chcago-Los Angls rou, whch ran mor norh-souh han ws-as n Illnos, an hn angl sharply o h souhws o Oklahoma Cy, from whr ran ws o Los Angls. Knucky srongly objc o hs sgna rou, as ha bn lf off any of h major as-ws rous, nsa rcvng h US 62 sgnaon. In January 1926, h comm sgna hs, along wh h par of US 52 as of Ashlan, Knucky, as US 60. Thy assgn US 62 o h Chcago-Los Angls rou, conngn on h approval of h sas along h formr US 60. Bu Mssour an Oklahoma objc--Mssour ha alray prn maps, an Oklahoma ha prpar sgns. A comproms was propos, n whch US 60 woul spl a Sprngfl, Mssour, no US 60E an US 60N, bu boh ss objc. Th fnal soluon rsul n h assgnmn of US 66 o h Chcago-Los Angls poron of h US hghway, whch no n n zro, bu was sll sn as a sasfyngly roun numbr.1 Rou 66 cam o hav a promnn plac n popular culur, bng faur n song an flms. Occupyng Monral an Qubc Cy woul cu h rmanr of Canaa off from h Easrn saboar, prvnng h movmn of solrs an rsourcs n boh rcons. To a, no unu l
vls of unnaural raoacv conamnaon hav bn c n h rgonal Uppr Floran aqufr by h Gorga Dparmn of Naural Rsourcs (ovr an abov h alray hgh lvls hough o b u o monaz, a locally occurrng san naurally hgh n raaon).910 Sun funng Thr was ba as o whhr h Scosh Parlamn ha h powr o lgsla for a rfrnum rlang o h ssu of Scosh npnnc, as h consuon s a rsrv mar for h UK Parlamn.15 Th Scosh govrnmn nss n 2010 ha hy coul lgsla for a rfrnum, as woul b an avsory rfrnum on xnng h powrs of h Scosh Parlamn,14 whos rsul woul hav no lgal ffc on h Unon.13:17 Lor Wallac, Avoca Gnral for Scolan, sa n January 2012 ha holng a rfrnum concrnng h consuon woul b ous h lgslav powr of h Scosh Parlamn2137 an ha prva nvuals coul challng a Scosh Parlamn rfrnum bll.38 W ha opraonal succsss, mos mporanly rgarng Prora's nuclar capably. My sourcs collcvly prov nconrovrbl vnc ha h aparh govrnmn ha n fac s a nuclar bomb n h Souh Alanc n 1979, an ha hy ha vlop a lvry sysm wh asssanc from h Israls. </span>
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