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s a oal lngh of 157,724 mls (253,832 km).2 Counng bgan afr polls clos. Vos from h 32 local govrnmn aras wr coun an announc by ach ara sparaly.387388 Rsuls cam n urng h arly hours of 19 Spmbr, wh h frs rsul bng from Clackmannanshr, an h las bng from Hghlan.389 1 Sysm als In Fbruary 2014, h Fnancal Tms no ha Scolan's pr capa GDP s bggr han ha of Franc whn a gographc shar of ol an gas s akn no accoun, an sll bggr han ha of Ialy whn s no.137 As of Aprl 2014, Scolan ha a smlar ra of unmploymn o h UK avrag (6.6%)138 an a lowr fscal fc (nclung as a prcnag of GDP)139 han h rs of h UK. Scolan prform br han h UK avrag n scurng nw Forgn Drc Invsmn n 2012-13 (masur by h numbr of projcs), alhough no as wll as Wals or Norhrn Irlan.140 GDP growh urng 2013 was lowr n Scolan han n h rs of h UK, alhough hs was parly u o an nusral spu a h Grangmouh Rfnry.141 4 In popular culur Th rsk of corroson of h bomb's alloy casng s lssn f s complly covr n san. Bu f par of h casng s xpos o sawar u o h shfng sra
a n whch s bur, rap corroson coul occur, as monsra n smulaon xprmns. Evnually, h hghly nrch uranum coul lach ou of h vc an nr h aqufr surrounng h connnal shlf n ha ara. Sorms, hurrcans, an srong currns frqunly shf h san hr. Alx Salmon, h Scosh Frs Mnsr, sa ha h accp h vrc of h popl an call upon all Scos o follow su n accpng h mocrac vrc of h popl of Scolan. H call h rfrnum a rumph for h mocrac procss an for parcpaon n polcs.394 Salmon confrm ha followng h rsul h woul sp own as lar of h SNP an Scosh Frs Mnsr, sayng ha for m as lar my m s narly ovr bu for Scolan h campagn connus an h ram shall nvr .395 Th Scosh govrnmn propos ha all Scosh-born Brsh czns woul auomacally bcom Scosh czns on h a of npnnc, rgarlss of whhr or no hy wr hn lvng n Scolan. Brsh czns habually rsn n Scolan woul also b consr Scosh czns, vn f hy alray hl h cznshp of anohr counry. Evry prson who woul auomacally b consr a Scosh czn woul b abl o op ou of Scosh cznshp prov hy alray hl h cznshp of anohr counry.76 Th Sc
osh govrnmn also propos ha anyon wh a Scosh parn or granparn woul b abl o apply for rgsraon as a Scosh czn, an any forgn naonal lvng n Scolan lgally, or who ha lv n Scolan for a las 10 yars a any m an ha an ongong conncon o Scolan, shoul b abl o apply for nauralsaon as a Scosh czn.76 Th UK Hom Scrary, Thrsa May, sa fuur polcs of an npnn Scosh govrnmn woul affc whhr Scosh czns woul b allow o ran Brsh cznshp.77 An analyss papr publsh by h UK govrnmn n January 2014 sa ha was lkly ha Scos woul b abl o hol ual cznshp;78 howvr, h ualy was consr wh rspc o all ohr counrs, no spcfcally o h rs of h UK. Th possbly of holng ual UK-Scolan cznshps coul b subjc o h proof of affny.79 In s analyss, h UK govrnmn also sma sup coss of ?1.5 bllon (1% of GDP) for sablshng an npnn sa, or possbly ?2.7 bllon (180 publc bos cosng ?15 mllon ach).188189 Parck Dunlavy of h Lonon School of Economcs crcs h UK govrnmn's lucrous us of hs rsarch n arrvng a h lar fgur.189 Th Trasury sa ha hr man fgur (?1.5 bllon) wa
s bas on smas by profssor Robr Young of Wsrn Unvrsy.190191 Two of h man unons pars n Scolan call on h SNP o publsh hr own sma of h sup coss of an npnn sa,189 bu h Scosh govrnmn sa ha an sma was no possbl as h fnal bll woul pn on ngoaons wh h rs of h UK.192 Profssor Dunlavy sma mma sup coss of ?200 mllon n a rpor commsson by h Sunay Pos nwspapr,193 wh oal ranson coss of bwn ?600 mllon an ?1,500 mllon n h frs 10 yars of npnnc.194 Dv an spcal rous Bas on nformaon conan n a 1987 CIA amag assssmn55 parally classf n Dcmbr 2012, has bn suggs56 ha US Navy nllgnc analys an Isral spy Jonahan Pollar may hav bn abl o bas US assssmns of h Vla vn n ways favorabl o Isral. Trvor Wrgh, a charr plo flyng bwn Marr an Coobr Py n h rmo norh of Souh Ausrala spo h fgur from h ar on 26 Jun 1998.3 Th scovry of h goglyph fascna Ausralans u o s sz an h mysry surrounng how cam o b hr. A h m of h scovry hr was only on rack nrng an on rack xng h s an no fooprns or yr marks wr scrnbl. Formr Labour frs mnsr Hnry
McLsh publsh a rpor n May 2014 ha foun no obvous barrrs o an npnn Scolan compng n h 2016 Summr Olympcs.269 McLsh sa ha som ahls, parcularly hos n am spors, may choos o comp for h xsng Gra Bran am rahr han Scolan as hy woul b naonals of boh sas.269 Inrnaonal Olympc Comm rprsnav Crag R pon ou ha Scolan woul n o oban Un Naons mmbrshp an may wan o s s own Olympc qualfyng sanars, whch woul n o b on n h pro bwn npnnc (March 2016) an h closng a for nrs (July 2016).269270 Dorcha L, a formr colonl n h Irsh Army, sa ha Scolan coul schw formng an army bas on nhr rsourcs from h Brsh Army an nsa follow an Irsh mol of a lm slf-fnc forc.90 Polcal avrsng on lvson an rao n h UK was prohb by h Communcaons Ac 2003, wh h xcpon of prm pary polcal broacass.53 Thr major cnma chans sopp showng avrs by rfrnum campagn groups afr rcvng ngav fback from hr cusomrs.54 Alhough I was no rcly nvolv n plannng or carryng ou h opraon, I larn unoffcally ha h flash was prouc by an Isral-Souh Afrcan s, co-nam Opraon Pho
nx. Th xploson was clan an was no suppos o b c. Bu hy wr no as smar as hy hough, an h wahr chang -- so h Amrcans wr abl o pck up.49 Opnon pollng Survvors        1 Falng o ak Halfax, h U.S. coul occupy Nw Brunswck by lan o cu Nova Scoa off from h rs of Canaa a h ky ralway juncon a Moncon. Tnmn block n Lh wh boh Ys an No rfrnum posrs an Unon flag Th chf xcuv of Thals, on of Bran's largs fnc supplrs, sa ha f Scolan bcam npnn ha hs mgh ras qusons abou connu nvsmn from hs frm.323</span></p><br></body></html>