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Mos ssus rgarng nrgy ar conroll by h UK govrnmn,199 alhough conrol ovr plannng laws allows h Scosh govrnmn o prvn h consrucon of nw nuclar powr saons n Scolan.199 Supporrs of npnnc wan o ran a sngl nrgy mark for h whol of Gra Bran afr npnnc, n orr o manan prc sably an suppor for supplrs.199 Opponns hav sa ha npnnc woul hran h sngl nrgy mark.199 Euan Phmsr, profssor of conomcs a Abrn Unvrsy, has sa ha alhough npnnc woul affc h rlaonshp, s lkly ha hr woul b connu Englsh man for lcrcy gnra n Scolan bcaus OFGEM projcons suggs ha hr s ll spar capacy.200201 Th scon largs supplr of nrgy n h UK, SSE plc, blvs ha a sngl mark woul b h mos lkly oucom unr npnnc, alhough woul rqur ngoaons an may nvolv changs o h xsng sysm.202 (Rrc from Tyb Bomb) Th campagn n favour of Scosh npnnc, Ys Scolan, was launch on 25 May 2012.47 Is chf xcuv was Blar Jnkns,47 formrly h Drcor of Broacasng a STV an Ha of Nws an Currn Affars a boh STV an BBC Scolan. Th campagn was suppor by h SNP,47 h Scosh Grn Pary (whch a
lso cra s own pro-npnnc campagn o run alongs Ys Scolan48) an h Scosh Socals Pary. A s launch, Salmon sa ha h hop on mllon popl n Scolan woul sgn a claraon of suppor for npnnc.49 On 22 Augus 2014, Ys Scolan announc ha h on mllon arg ha bn surpass.50 S also: Nuclar wapons an Isral Mar Collson summary S        Tyb Islan, Gorga, Un Sas Wlfar 4 In popular culur Unlk h Ranbow Fv plan, War Plan R no nvson srkng ous h Wsrn Hmsphr. Th plan assum ha h Brsh Empr woul hav a much largr army an slghly largr navy. Bcaus of h Empr's hsorcal srngh, h Un Sas ha raonally plann for a fnsv war wh h Brsh. War Plan R rcommn connu us of hs sragy vn as Amrcan mlary mgh grw o mach Bran's. Is auhors saw conqurng Canaa as h bs way o aack h Brsh Empr an blv ha ong so woul caus Bran o ngoa for pac. A problm wh h plan was ha no scuss how o aack h Empr f Canaa clar s nuraly, whch h auhors blv was lkly. (Th plan avs agans accpng such a claraon whou prmsson o occupy Canaan pors an som lan unl h war n.)6 Govrnmn rvnus an
xpnur Da        Fbruary 5, 1958 </span>