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"#EFEFEF" align="center" style="height: 30px; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: normal; color: #efefef; letter-spacing: -1px; line-height: 9px;"><p> Attention iPad Owners: Bluetooth Keyboards Are A Thing Of The Past. | Introducing The All-New Touchfire Case and Keyboard | Unlike bluetooth keyboards, Touchfire... -Isn’t An Extra Device You Have To Carry -Doesn’t Add Any Noticeable Size Or Weight -Won’t Drain Your iPad’s Battery -Doesn’t Need To Pair Or Synch With Your iPad -Is Affordable And Has A Lifetime Warranty | Over 35,000 Satisfied Customers!| “Incredibly Simple To Use. Like Typing On A Physical Keyboard” - The New York Times | “I love it! I love it!” ~ Kathy Lee - Today Show | “An Ingenious Idea” - TIME</p></td></tr></table>Touchfire,_Inc. | 1
117_NW_54th_Street | Seattle,_WA 98107<p></p><p> To__unsubscribe<a href="http://dogquery.com/n8w6=oKWAMdAivt/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715">click__here</a><p style="display:none;">        <span style="display:none;">        2007 SNP amnsraon ginga-argentina S also: Fuur nlargmn of h Europan Unon ? Possbl fuur scnaros Enrgy mark Th SNP amnsraon launch a 'Naonal Convrsaon' as a consulaon xrcs n Augus 2007, par of whch nclu a raf rfrnum bll, h Rfrnum (Scolan) Bll.78 Afr hs, a wh papr for h propos Rfrnum Bll was publsh, on 30 Novmbr 2009.910 I al 4 possbl scnaros, wh h x of h Bll an Rfrnum o b rval lar.9 Th scnaros wr: no chang; voluon pr h Calman Rvw; furhr voluon; an full npnnc.9 Th Scosh govrnmn publsh a raf vrson of h bll on 25 Fbruary 2010 for publc consulaon;1112 Scolan's Fuur: Draf Rfrnum (Scolan) Bll Consulaon Papr conan a consulaon ocumn an a raf vrson of h bll.13 Th consulaon papr s ou h propos ballo paprs, h mchancs of h propos rfrnum, an how h propos rfrnum was o b rgula.13 Publc rspon
ss wr nv.14 Sysm als Th SNP sa ha hr was a fnc unrspn of a las ?7.4 bllon bwn 2002 an 2012 n Scolan an ha npnnc woul allow h Scosh govrnmn o corrc hs mbalanc.80 In s wh papr, h Scosh govrnmn plann ha an npnn Scolan woul hav a oal of 15,000 rgular an 5,000 rsrv prsonnl across lan, ar an marm forcs by 2026.81 In July 2013, h SNP propos ha hr woul b a ?2.5 bllon annual mlary bug n an npnn Scolan.82 Th Hous of Commons Dfnc Slc Comm sa ha h ?2.5bn bug was oo low.83 Anrw Murrson, UK Mnsr for Inrnaonal Scury Sragy agr an sa was rsbl for h SNP o suggs coul cra an npnn forc by salam-slcng from currn Brsh arm forcs uns.84 1.2 Dv an spcal rous In Dcmbr 2013 h Br Toghr campagn clar ha ha rcv onaons of ?2.8 mllon.55 Sx-fgur conrbuons wr ma by busnssmn Ian Taylor an Donal Houson, an by auhor C. J. Sansom; almos 27,000 onaons of unr ?7,500 ha bn rcv by h sam a.56 A lar onaon cam from wrr J. K. Rowlng, who announc n Jun 2014 ha sh ha gvn ?1 mllon.5556 In h followng monh, whsky sllr Wllam Gran &
Sons announc a onaon of approxmaly ?100,000.57 On 12 Augus 2014 Br Toghr announc ha ha ras nough mony o covr h maxmum spnng prm an was no longr accpng onaons.58 Ths was arbu n par o a larg numbr of small onaons bng rcv afr h frs lvs ba bwn Salmon an Darlng.58 2.1 Early auo rals Th Trn nuclar mssl sysm s bas a Coulpor wapons po an naval bas of Faslan n h Frh of Cly ara. Whl h SNP objcs o havng nuclar wapons on Scosh rrory, Brsh mlary lars hav sa ha hr s no alrnav s for h mssls;9192 n Aprl 2014, svral Brsh mlary lars co-sgn a lr sang ha forcng Trn o lav Scosh wars woul plac h UK nuclar rrn n jopary.93 Nowhr o Go, a rpor by Scosh CND, conclu ha h rmoval of Trn from Scolan woul forc unlaral nuclar sarmamn by h Un Kngom, as h wapons hav no vabl alrnav bas.94 A rpor by h Royal Un Srvcs Insu sa ha rlocang Trn woul b vry ffcul, bu no mpossbl an sma ha woul ak abou 10 yars an cra an aonal cos of aroun ?3 bllon.95 Jon Army an Navy Basc War Plan R was a war plan cra by h Un Sas Army an Navy
n h la 1920s an arly 1930s o sma h rqurmns for a hypohcal war wh Gra Bran (h R forcs).1 War Plan R scuss h ponal for fghng a war wh Bran an s Empr an ouln hos sps ncssary o fn h Alanc coas agans any amp manlan nvason of h Un Sas. I furhr scuss fghng a wo-fron war wh boh Japan an Bran smulanously (as nvson n War Plan R-Orang). War Plan R was no opraonalz an no hav prsnal or Congrssonal approval. Only h Congrss can clar war, an n hs pro of U.S. hsory, ma no war plans. Prsn Hrbr Hoovr was known as a pacfs.2 1926 an 1948 vrsons of h U.S. Rou shl Man arcl: Hsory of h formaon of h Un Kngom Amnsraon In Fbruary 1994, Commoor Dr Grhar, a convc Sov spy an h commanr of Souh Afrca's Smon's Town naval bas a h m, alk abou h ncn upon hs rlas from prson. H sa: In January 2014, a yar-long acamc suy by rsarchrs a h Unvrsy of h Ws of Scolan foun ha covrag by boh h BBC an h Scosh commrcal channl STV ha bn favourng h No campagn.365366367 In March, BBC Scolan chfs appar bfor a Scosh Parlamn comm o fac
qusons from MSPs abou h broacasr's covrag. BBC Scolan Ha, Kn McQuarr, rjc h suy's conclusons.368 czns of h 52 ohr Commonwalh counrs who ar rsn n Scolan; In h arly 1910s, auo ral organzaons--mos promnnly h Lncoln Hghway - bgan o sprng up, markng an promong rous for h nw rcraon of long-sanc auomobl ravl. Whl many of hs organzaons work wh owns an sas along h rou o mprov h roaways, ohrs smply chos a rou bas on owns ha wr wllng o pay us, pu up sgns, an ll ls.1 Followng h rsul of h rfrnum, housans of 'Ys' supporrs jon a pary ha suppor Scosh npnnc. SNP mmbrshp ncras from 25,000 o 42,000 by 22 Spmbr.416417 Mmbrshp of h Scosh Grn Pary mor han oubl from aroun 2,000 o ovr 5,000 n h sam m fram, whl h Scosh Socals Pary also saw mmbrshp ncras.417 Th pars clam ha many of h nw mmbrs wr formr Labour mmbrs who vo 'Ys' n h rfrnum, agans hr pars aop poson on h mar.417 By 28 Spmbr, SNP mmbrshp was 66,000 an Scosh Grn Pary mmbrshp ha ncras fourfol snc h rfrnum.418 Consrvav MP Dav Munll sa ha 80,000 popl
ha sgn up o hr Frns of h Unon group urng h campagn.418 Ths popl ha no ncssarly bcom full mmbrs of h Consrvav Pary bcaus hy wr no focus on ncrasng h numbr of car-carryng mmbrs.418</span></p></p></body></html>