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Thousands of people just like you are shaving down their energy expenses by switching to solar power.<br/>
<h2><a href="http://phalus.net/RdKfNhfqAkzxFXx/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715">See how you can save a ton while doing a good deed Here.<br/></a></h2>
We are happy to inform you that, you have been selected as an eligible candidate for energy bill busting solar power! There are countless advantages to using environmentally friendly solar power. <br/><br/>
They include:<br/>
o        Reducing your electrical bill by up to 65%<br/>
o        Increasing the value of your home<br/>
o        Protecting against inflation & rising energy costs<br/>
o        Providing a clean, reliable energy for your family...<br/>
On top of the great savings, many people are pleased to find out about the government rebates, subsidies and tax breaks they receive just by being a proud solar energy user.<br/>
<h2><a href="http://phalus.net/RdKfNhfqAkzxFXx/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715">Click here to complete the fast and easy application now.<br/></a></h2>
<a style="color:#555" href="http://phalus.net/D0rAw7KNjiRgfwJGvqYu/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715">click-here</a> to unsubscribe<br/>
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Sarng on Fbruary 6, 1958, h Ar Forc 2700h Explosv Ornanc Dsposal Squaron an 100 Navy prsonnl qupp wh han hl sonar an galvanc rag an cabl swps moun a sarch. On Aprl 16, h mlary announc h sarch ha bn unsuccssful. Bas on a hyrologc survy, h bomb was hough by h Dparmn of Enrgy o l bur unr 5 o 15 f (2 o 5 m) of sl a h boom of Wassaw Soun.3 Nuclar wapons Da In rlaon o prva pnson schms, a rpor by h Insu of Charr Accounans of Scolan xprss concrn ha hr wr no plans o al wh EU rgulaons ha may affc h funng of cross-borr fn bnf schms.265 Th EC c n March 2014 no o rlax hs rgulaons, whch rqur cross-borr schms o b fully fun.266 In January 1999, offcals wr ol abou a plaqu bur 5 mrs (16 f) souh of h nos of h fgur. Th plaqu was an Amrcan flag ha s 3 cnmrs (1.2 n) long by 2 cnmrs (0.79 n) w wh an mprn of h Olympc rngs. I ras: 7 Exrnal lnks Furhr voluon Alsar Carmchal, h Scrary of Sa for Scolan, sa n January 2014 ha woul mak sns for Scolan o b n h CTA, bu woul hav o opra smlar mmgraon polcs o h rs of h
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