<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title> </title> </head> <body> Hey ginga-argentina,<br><br>You were recently chosen as a potential candidate to represent_your professional community in the 2014 Edition of Who's_Who. The premier networking organization for distinguished professionals.<br><br>Once finalized, your listing will share registry space with tens-of-thousands of fellow accomplished -individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishment within their own geographical area.<br><br><a href="http://lexuandong.com/B3Kj0wOtlyLKYj6zyIXe/Ca5KRqXuHl07LrbECDL6smiUC~G3A80mssIDrjTCJVDVUiX7tO_fNdt4jVXaAuNRWQMs34veG2sxAtJRKkv~Z0vpz8oTZBSBE7eKZv_E_fMjoHFespj5rTK2A1EvdSDmSYjT2IsZXccMvpRU2mtgL_O9w7gq0Py7Uis9KzZkP_L9VDE92ItWeeKq1xXc8~vuWfrGLWHvDS5iUOFYM~_Te2DNZEvzJjpE6_O1572pDYbdvx8pIMnrdBjf_AIf6hxAxw107AS5q52PvHMQFiqGZPcC0wCfAW5g0qWuFgkzQAgclzQaIKM3r3f6mVglUudJU30p7OBLwIS
djBmax0~PzUKEMU~Pk4ZwETD9vjf3iR63_r3WbzmILX~ayiqUAx465tCL_H0JfKZQ~1INb7lZ~IHPvULR8xzIK~cOeAVGyL6VxXecY8R2IPqRESO7bHt6AjJGvDFzlGmZmXQW9ZvE3UPpf1lF5B5bS3uaJGtC__JDtMWS14pZWjoqawNtFFsr5iixQFQZgWmOz_4KJeMgbpqbOEHVwVOEmXOqkBb53Vo_c8Prja80p_nwKhClyTeE7NSORuLGThXjRHEtkbLT73852V6kkIQZ6jc4cbM1iESKo3p3h4HcyFbHBfl0gel5dL~EC7zAmoCa18wtYdoHfnqqI8miO2vAsNsYg7hoQHjieRKv_IgUjFacywa3MpF7yPBN3eHYUj9jsmhYZ68FYpu2yGDN5U24C1iut_7RSctB1I/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715"> >To verify your profile and accept the candidacy please click_here.</a><br><br>On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievement and welcome you to our organization.<br><br>Warm Regards,<br><br>Membership Division<br>Who's_Who_Among_Executives and Professionals<br><br/><font color="#000" size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact us at the following address: 626_RXR_Plaza-Uniondale, _NY_11556</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#000" size="1">If you wish to
unsubscribe from all future _Global_Who's_Who mailings, please go <a href="http://lexuandong.com/KOuWqZkJHfLlnVx/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715/YDqdomVr_ZKftQLnbDn~ns9JoFBLIpHQFDlWhS0oPl1ov_iEZDVNI5vj6zJtfZGVpAsSTxEddaI3wrSQ9SGvaofBYiGmPKwt5o_npMTvttEbccoBt5fMh2zEputYAz4nteEnsweC7GCKEyD7M_fbdQphKuLUjkwkkHnZwa5PPDqVIW7lcKCON~EiPyd9xeaEwbZrnS6TGGThJBdGWY9kei95FMynqQ7vL75jMoM9rz4rBiDTtjpyD0tgQ6gUtyZuPw9Pqnd4iefA~hZqiXmmtShCLG9BiWrEFH2rCDrrEdEkZa9tqkE_aVsSeqvK6Aij4U6LHCnMW3PlmIrMDPNhcEDbcF4kQkCXXtDgGM8w6Rb0yQxk3XEnvTougImFQz0~AKN9akaaSm2I5QrUS4A6PfUOr_O12wZ5f8Fid51hw6v_pi~AXSNdlA54~tPojVAWaTSfsEpQe1iY1SJmBYL6wspVrigbI2j8lPEwRvJQ3~wpiqkupVDzQJqgQi63da9zeGLAfsNFgOru7azD0mSIrofGqW7qrCsbMludmx5EtNU~Cyvc_foxXIo_4O_h8B~xqkH_MyQs~CwuxLUjSm2fSRt2PZEws1i91JCPjJuGjexqOtGONiYgY0rZ376fzeR1EjQOF3saXzQN0fcZJ7ZVlCMHWKQa7V33EY8uioCSidLGGqcn2VrX1TRG8vdgy_kptlnwxJZ7JQ2tVXy2t07W~bh_f4qfTu_YrbHZCFEG6VQoIxIftF241E2MIchqODXrW8flJSgACaGx6m1seImsEn8FooxtE_LB4">_here</a></font> <p style="display:none;"> <span
style="display:none;"> Whl mos of h rslncy projcs hav focus on harwar -- sa walls, bulkhas an h lk -- offcals hav no los sgh of h fac ha popl, oo, n hlp n prparng for h fuur. A fw monhs afr Hurrcan Sany, h sa cra h Nw York Rsng program, whch call on lars n har-h communs o com up wh plans o asss hr own rsns. W wll o br agans h nx sorm, sa Juh Ron, h prsn of h Rockfllr Founaon, whch hlp o fnanc h Rbul by Dsgn compon. Th problm s ha h nx sasr may b nohng lk Hurrcan Sany. I coul b an awful ha wav, for xampl, n whch cas wha w'v on wll o ll o proc us. Mohamm Abu Aqln, h commsson's managr n Gaza, sa ha h Inror Mnsry bulng was slc only bcaus was n angr of collapsng, an ha h group ha also bgun o rhabla 20 homs hroughou Gaza an o manufacur hunrs of ralrs o mporarly hous h splac. H woul no say whr h $1 mllon ras so far ha com from. Frankfur Connu rang h man sory RECENT COMMENTS All of ha hlps xplan why Appl s such a formabl forc, spcally a hs sag n s prouc cycl. An as h holay shoppng sason a
pproachs, an Phons kp flyng off h shlvs, Appl may wll kp movng h worl. Thos xprncs, sh sa, wll run from no ch o hgh ch. No ch, Ms. Barra xplan, woul b a labl an smpl scrpon for a classc panng ha spaks for slf an nvs susan obsrvaon. Hgh ch, sh sa, woul b xhbons lk h rcn on a h M's Cosum Insu, Charls Jams: Byon Fashon. I nclu anmaons showng h consrucon of gowns sgn by h Amrcan couurr, an roboc arms mploy o scan an analyz h gowns. Th chnology prov a vsual xplanaon of how Jams us scnc, ngnrng an archcural chnqus. Th 90-sory Manhaan owr On57, whr Mr. Ackman s buyng h pnhous aparmn for a rpor prc of $90 mllon. H calls h pnhous h Mona Lsa of aparmns. Cr Elzabh D. Hrman for Th Nw York Tms Now, as h growng pmc vasas Ws Afrca an s sn as a ponal hra o ohr rgons as wll, govrnmns an a groups hav bgun o opn hr walls. A flurry of rsarch o s rugs an vaccns s unrway, wh sus sarng for svral canas, nclung h vaccn prouc narly a ca ago. Allrgan ha srongr wors for Valan an Mr. Ackman. I rjc h al an warn
sharholrs ha Valan woul squz h company for prof an skmp on rsarch. In a fral lawsu, Allrgan conn ha h Valan-Ackman parnrshp was an mpropr an llc nsr-rang schm hach n scr by a bllonar hg fun nvsor. Th S.E.C. s now nvsgang. Prshng Squar ns h accusaons. Th Palsnan housng mnsry's amag assssmn s only 60 prcn compl. Offcals say hy hav y o collc a m of h $5.4 bllon ha nrnaonal onors hav plg o h ffor. A proms monorng mchansm o nsur marals ar no vr o mlary purposs s no n plac. Rubbl rmoval has barly bgun. Rfrrng o h ffor by h Palsnan Auhory an Un Naons o prov assurancs o Isral ha so-call ual-us marals wll no go o rbul unnls ha mlans us o pnra s rrory, Mr. Abu Aqln sa, Ths mchansm wll b jus wors on papr. </span></p> </body></html>