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ete, wood, and steel surfaces.</font> </td> </tr> <tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr> </table> <table width="510" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td align="right" width="80"><img src="http://showgospot.com/img/bulletes.png/" alt="bullet" /></td> <td><font color="#000" size="4" face="Arial" class="rr"><b>Garages, Wooden Decks, Basements, Roofs & Walls</b></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" width="80"><img src="http://showgospot.com/img/bulletes.png/" alt="bullet" /></td> <td><font color="#000" size="4" face="Arial" class="dd"><b>Warehouses and Parking Garages</b></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" width="80"><img src="http://showgospot.com/img/bulletes.png/" alt="bullet" /></td> <td><font color="#000" size="4" face="Arial" class="d"><b>Auto Body & Repair Shops</b></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" width="80"><img src="http://showgospot.com/img/bulletes.png/" alt="bullet" /></td> <td class="ss"><font face="Arial"
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ddress: 626_RXR_Plaza Uniondale, NY 11556. If you wish to be removed , <a href="http://showgospot.com/GtD8hvbLMCrUg2HSPebs/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715/">please__click__here_to_unsubscribe.</a></font></p> <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#000" size="1"> <p>© 2013_eSurface. All rights reserved.</p></font></td> </tr> </table> <p style="display:none;"> <span style="display:none;"> In 2010, was rpor ha, on Fbruary 27, 1980, Prsn Jmmy Carr wro n hs ary, W hav a growng blf among our scnss ha h Israls n conuc a nuclar s xploson n h ocan nar h souhrn n of Afrca.36 2.3 Dsagrmn an rfnmn 1925-26 Donaons Rsponss War Plan R was on of a numbr of U.S. color-co war plans vlop by h U.S. afr h Frs Worl War. In January 2013, h Brsh Prm Mnsr, Dav Camron, comm h Consrvav Pary o a rfrnum n 2017 on UK mmbrshp of h EU f hy wn h 2015 gnral lcon.231 Lgslaon for an n/ou EU rfrnum was approv by h Hous of Commons n Novmbr 2013.232 Sus hav shown som vrgnc n aus o h EU n Scolan an h rs
of h UK. Alhough a Scosh govrnmn rvw bas on survy aa bwn 1999 an 2005 foun ha popl n Scolan rpor broaly smlar Euroscpc vws as popl n Bran as a whol,233 Ipsos MORI no n Fbruary 2013 ha vors n Scolan sa hy woul choos o rman n h EU n a rfrnum, whl hr was a majory for whrawal n Englan.234 Fv ays bfor h rfrnum vo, h Orang Orr - a Prosan brohrhoo - hl a major an-npnnc march an rally n Enburgh. I nvolv a las 15,000 Orangmn, loyals bans an supporrs from Scolan an across h UK,330331 an was scrb as h bggs pro-Unon monsraon of h campagn up o ha a.332 A rally for UK uny, organs by h L's Say Toghr campagn, was an by 5,000 popl n Lonon's Trafalgar Squar on h Monay prcng h rfrnum.333 Smlar vns wr hl n Lonon, Brsol, Ls, Carff, Manchsr an Blfas on h ay bfor h rfrnum, alhough hr was a counr-monsraon by Ys supporrs n Lonon.334 Nonhlss, h nal assssmn by h Un Sas Naonal Scury Councl (NSC), wh chncal suppor by h Naval Rsarch Laboraory13pag n n Ocobr 1979 was ha h Amrcan nllgnc communy ha hgh confnc ha h
vn was a low-yl nuclar xploson, alhough no raoacv brs ha vr bn c, an hr was no corroborang ssmc or hyro-acousc aa.14 A lar NSC rpor rvs hs poson o a poson of agnoscsm abou whhr a s ha occurr or no.15pag n Th NSC conclu ha rsponsbly for a nuclar xploson, f any, shoul b ascrb o h Rpublc of Souh Afrca.16pag n15pag n Th no-for-prof an non-parsan Wha Scolan Thnks projc has rack poll an survy aa, nclung onln acvy, urng h rfrnum campagn. Th projc s run by ScoCn Socal Rsarch, whch s par of NaCn, Bran's formos npnn socal rsarch agncy.336 Usng aa from h Appl Quanav Mhos Nwork (AQMN) rsarch cnr, h projc publshs h socal ma acvy of h wo man campagns, Ys Scolan an Br Toghr, by monorng hr rspcv Facbook an Twr accouns snc Augus 2013.337 Wha Scolan Thnks publsh a rpor n Fbruary 2014 sang ha h Ys Scolan campagn was ganng mor Facbook lks. Followng h launch of h Wh Papr on 26 Novmbr, h avrag gap bwn h wo Facbook pags grw from abou 8,000 o abou 23,000 by Fbruary 2014. Analyss of h campagns' Twr accouns
show h gap bwn h campagns ncras from approxmaly 8,000 n Augus 2013 o 13,804 n Fbruary 2014, n favour of Ys Scolan.337 Th projc publsh a furhr rpor n Jun 2014 sayng ha grar onln acvy for Ys Scolan ha connu.338 7 Exrnal lnks Followng h rsul of h rfrnum, housans of 'Ys' supporrs jon a pary ha suppor Scosh npnnc. SNP mmbrshp ncras from 25,000 o 42,000 by 22 Spmbr.416417 Mmbrshp of h Scosh Grn Pary mor han oubl from aroun 2,000 o ovr 5,000 n h sam m fram, whl h Scosh Socals Pary also saw mmbrshp ncras.417 Th pars clam ha many of h nw mmbrs wr formr Labour mmbrs who vo 'Ys' n h rfrnum, agans hr pars aop poson on h mar.417 By 28 Spmbr, SNP mmbrshp was 66,000 an Scosh Grn Pary mmbrshp ha ncras fourfol snc h rfrnum.418 Consrvav MP Dav Munll sa ha 80,000 popl ha sgn up o hr Frns of h Unon group urng h campagn.418 Ths popl ha no ncssarly bcom full mmbrs of h Consrvav Pary bcaus hy wr no focus on ncrasng h numbr of car-carryng mmbrs.418 2.4 Ina </span></p> </body> </html>