<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title> </title> </head> Dear_ ginga-argentina,<br/><br/> You were recently chosen as a potential_candidate_ to represent your professional community in the 2015 Edition of Who's__Who. The premier networking organization for distinguished professionals. <br><br> Once finalized, your listing will share registry space with tens-of-thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishment within their own geographical __ area. <br><br> To_verify_your profile and accept the candidacy, <a href="http://powerstarcn.com/VRFfiYmcgHAX8KmUImeb/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715">please click_here.</a> <br><br> On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievement and welcome you to our organization. <br><br> Warm Regards, <br><br> Membership_Division<br> Who's Who Among_Executives_and_Professionals <br> <a href="http
://powerstarcn.com/t8TtyvIOcSq5HnsKwZRG/">Unsubscribe</a> <br> <p style="display:none;"> <span style="display:none;"> Th SNP amnsraon launch a 'Naonal Convrsaon' as a consulaon xrcs n Augus 2007, par of whch nclu a raf rfrnum bll, h Rfrnum (Scolan) Bll.78 Afr hs, a wh papr for h propos Rfrnum Bll was publsh, on 30 Novmbr 2009.910 I al 4 possbl scnaros, wh h x of h Bll an Rfrnum o b rval lar.9 Th scnaros wr: no chang; voluon pr h Calman Rvw; furhr voluon; an full npnnc.9 Th Scosh govrnmn publsh a raf vrson of h bll on 25 Fbruary 2010 for publc consulaon;1112 Scolan's Fuur: Draf Rfrnum (Scolan) Bll Consulaon Papr conan a consulaon ocumn an a raf vrson of h bll.13 Th consulaon papr s ou h propos ballo paprs, h mchancs of h propos rfrnum, an how h propos rfrnum was o b rgula.13 Publc rsponss wr nv.14 Svral U.S. Ar Forc WC-135B survllanc arcraf flw 25 sors ovr ha ara of h Inan Ocan soon afr h oubl flash was rpor, bu hy fal o c any sgn of nuclar raaon.17 Sus of wn parns confrm ha fall-ou
from an xploson n h souhrn Inan Ocan coul hav bn carr from hr o souhwsrn Ausrala.18 I was rpor ha low lvls of on-131 (a shor-half-lf prouc of nuclar fsson) wr c n shp n h souhasrn Ausralan Sas of Vcora an Tasmana soon afr h vn. Shp n Nw Zalan show no such rac.1819 Man arcl: Auo ral Ina Dv an spcal rous Zons of opraon Th Scosh govrnmn an pro-npnnc campagnrs sa ha a mocrac fc xs n Scolan111112113 bcaus h UK was a unary sa ha no hav a cof consuon.114 Th SNP also scrb h unlc Hous of Lors as an affron o mocracy.115 Th mocrac fc labl has somms bn us o rfr o h pro bwn h 1979 an 1997 UK gnral lcons, urng whch h Labour Pary hl a majory of Scosh sas bu h Consrvav Pary govrn h whol of h UK.116 Alx Salmon sa n Spmbr 2013 ha nsancs such as hs amoun o a lack of mocracy, an ha h popl who lv an work n Scolan ar h popl mos lkly o mak h rgh chocs for Scolan.117118 In January 2012, Parck Harv sa: Grns hav a vson of a mor racal mocracy n Scolan, wh far grar lvls of scusson an cson makng a communy lvl.
119 Coun of vos S also: Tuon fs n h Un Kngom Th offcal rou log, las publsh by AASHTO n 1989, has bn nam Un Sas Numbr Hghways snc s nal publcaon n 1926. Whn h rou log, U.S. Rou s us n h abl of conns, whl Un Sas Hghway appars as h hang for ach rou. All rpors of h Spcal Comm on Rou Numbrng snc 1989 us U.S. Rou, an fral laws rlang o hghways us Un Sas Rou or U.S. Rou mor ofn han h Hghway varans.18 Th us of U.S. Rou or U.S. Hghway on a local lvl pns on h sa, wh som sas such as Dlawar usng rou an ohrs such as Colorao usng hghway.1920 3 Suggs craors Hsory Conns h </span></p> </body></html>