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ra of US hghways.30 Th sall rpor h characrsc oubl flash of a small amosphrc nuclar xploson of wo o hr kloons, n h Inan Ocan bwn Th Croz Islans (a vry small, sparsly nhab Frnch posssson) an h Prnc Ewar Islans whch blong o Souh Afrca a 47?S 40?ECoornas: 47?S 40?E. Th prvous 41 oubl flashs h Vla salls c wr all subsqunly confrm o b nuclar xplosons.7 In July 2013, h Scosh govrnmn ma h Lrwck Dclaraon, ncang an nrs n volvng powr o Scolan's slans. By Novmbr, ha ma a commmn o volv furhr powrs o Orkny, Shlan an h Wsrn Isls n h vn of npnnc.283 Svn Hl call for lgslaon o ha ffc o b nrouc rgarlss of h rfrnum rsul.284 Onln campagns Ys Scolan was h man campagn group for npnnc, whl Br Toghr was h man campagn group n favour of mananng h unon. Many ohr campagn groups, polcal pars, busnsss, nwspaprs an promnn nvuals wr also nvolv. Promnn ssus ras urng h campagn nclu whch currncy an npnn Scolan woul us, publc xpnur, EU mmbrshp, an Norh Sa ol. Europan Unon In 1935 War Plan R was upa an spcf whch roas o
us n h nvason. Th bs praccabl rou o Vancouvr s va Rou 99 (Carlson, 2005). Furhr, n 1935 Amrcans plann o bul hr mlary arfls nar h Canaan borr an sgus hm as cvlan arpors. In Fbruary 1935, h War Dparmn arrang a Congrssonal appropraon of $57 mllon o bul hr borr ar bass for h purposs of pr-mpv surprs aacks on Canaan ar fls (Brln Glasnos, 1992-2007). Th arfls wr o b kp scr, bu hr xsnc was accnally publsh by h Govrnmn Prnng Offc an rpor on h fron pag of h Nw York Tms on May 1, 1935. Rsponsbly for halh car has bn volv o h Scosh Parlamn snc was sablsh n 1999.240 Th Scosh govrnmn has nac halh polcs whch ar ffrn from hos n Englan, such as abolshng chargs for prscrpons an lrly prsonal car.240 NHS Scolan has bn opraonally npnn of h NHS n h rs of h Un Kngom snc h formaon of h NHS n 1948.241242 Supporrs of npnnc argu ha npnnc s n bcaus possbl rucons n h NHS bug n Englan woul rsul n ruc funng for Scolan, whch woul mak ffcul o manan h xsng srvc.242 Harry Burns a formr chf mcal offcr for Scolan, s
a n July 2014 ha h hough npnnc coul b bnfcal for publc halh bcaus may gv popl grar conrol of hr lvs.243 </span></p> </body> </html>