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rl 20, 1997, h Isral aly nwspapr Haarz quo h Souh Afrcan puy forgn mnsr, Azz Paha, as supposly confrmng ha h oubl flash from ovr h Inan Ocan was n from a Souh Afrcan nuclar s. Haarz also c pas rpors ha Isral ha purchas 550 ons of uranum from Souh Afrca for s own nuclar plan n Dmona. In xchang, Isral allgly suppl Souh Afrca wh nuclar wapons sgn nformaon an nuclar marals o ncras h powr of nuclar warhas.50 Paha's samn was confrm by h Un Sas mbassy n Prora, Souh Afrca,2851 bu Paha's prss scrary sa ha Paha ha sa only ha hr was a srong rumor ha a s ha akn plac, an ha shoul b nvsga. In ohr wors, h was mrly rpang rumors ha ha bn crculang for yars.52 Dav Albrgh, commnng on h sr cra by hs prss rpor, sa:52 Thr rmans uncrany abou whhr h Souh Alanc flash n Spmbr 1979 rcor by opcal snsors on h U.S. Vla sall was a nuclar onaon an, f so, o whom blong.53pag n Svral anonymous prss rlass whch appar followng h scovry l o h suggson ha h Marr Man was cra by popl from h Un Sas. Th rlass quo masurmns n m
ls, yars an nchs, nsa of h mrc sysm usually us n Ausrala. Ths woul b unusual for an Ausralan prss rlas, bu snc h mrc sysm was only nrouc n Ausrala n h arly 1970s, olr Ausralans sll ofn quo mpral masurmns. Th rlass also sa your Sa of SA, Qunslan Barrr Rf an mnon Aborgns from h local Ingnous Trrors, rms no us by Ausralans. Th prss rlass also mnon h Gra Srpn n Oho, whch s no wll known ous h US. Bu has bn conjcur ha hs faurs of h prss rlass may hav bn r hrrngs, nsr o prov h lluson of Amrcan auhorshp.caon n Th Scosh govrnmn sa ha no havng a currncy unon coul cos busnsss n Englan, Wals, an Norhrn Irlan ?500 mllon n ransacon chargs whn rang wh an npnn Scolan;164165 Pla Cymru rasury spoksprson Jonahan Ewars commn ha such coss wr a hra o Wlsh busnss.165 Scosh Labour lar Johann Lamon sa ha any aonal ransacon coss woul fall largly on Scosh compans, cosng busnsss n Scolan 11 ms mor han hos n Englan.166 Th Insu of Drcors sa ha any nw ransacon coss woul pal n comparson o h fnancal angr of nrng a
n unsabl currncy unon.166 Lngh:        157,724 ma (253,832 km) Expanson of h sysm connu unl 1956, whn h Inrsa Hghway Sysm was form. Afr consrucon was compl, many U.S. Rous wr rplac by Inrsa Hghways for hrough raffc. Dsp h Inrsa sysm, U.S. Hghways sll form many mporan rgonal conncons, an nw rous ar sll bng a. Inrsa ra 1956-prsn Alhough I was no rcly nvolv n plannng or carryng ou h opraon, I larn unoffcally ha h flash was prouc by an Isral-Souh Afrcan s, co-nam Opraon Phonx. Th xploson was clan an was no suppos o b c. Bu hy wr no as smar as hy hough, an h wahr chang -- so h Amrcans wr abl o pck up.49 Accusaons of BBC bas Tn vors scovr ha somon ha vo unr hr nams a pollng saons n Glasgow,406 a mho of frau rm 'prsonaon', an hs l o an nvsgaon by Polc Scolan.406 </span></p> </body> </html>