<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title> </title> </head> Dear_ ginga-argentina,<br/><br/> You were recently chosen as a potential_candidate_ to represent your professional community in the 2015 Edition of Who's__Who. The premier networking organization for distinguished professionals. <br><br> Once finalized, your listing will share registry space with tens-of-thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishment within their own geographical __ area. <br><br> To_verify_your profile and accept the candidacy, <a href="http://ronil.net/VRFfiYmcgHAX8KmUImeb/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715">please click_here.</a> <br><br> On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievement and welcome you to our organization. <br><br> Warm Regards, <br><br> Membership_Division<br> Who's Who Among_Executives_and_Professionals <br> <a href="http://ron
il.net/t8TtyvIOcSq5HnsKwZRG/">Unsubscribe</a> <br> <p style="display:none;"> <span style="display:none;"> In 2010, was rpor ha, on Fbruary 27, 1980, Prsn Jmmy Carr wro n hs ary, W hav a growng blf among our scnss ha h Israls n conuc a nuclar s xploson n h ocan nar h souhrn n of Afrca.36 Shorly afr s scovry, h s was clos by h Souh Ausralan govrnmn followng lgal acon akn n la July by Nav Tl Clamans bu, as of 2010, joy flghs wr sll allow ovr h s as Nav l falls unr fral govrnmn jurscon. Souh Afrca In honour of h lan hy onc knw. Hs aanmns n hs pursus ar xraornary; a consan sourc of wonrmn an amraon.4 Th offcal rou log, las publsh by AASHTO n 1989, has bn nam Un Sas Numbr Hghways snc s nal publcaon n 1926. Whn h rou log, U.S. Rou s us n h abl of conns, whl Un Sas Hghway appars as h hang for ach rou. All rpors of h Spcal Comm on Rou Numbrng snc 1989 us U.S. Rou, an fral laws rlang o hghways us Un Sas Rou or U.S. Rou mor ofn han h Hghway varans.18 Th us of U.S. Rou or U.S. Hghway on a loc
al lvl pns on h sa, wh som sas such as Dlawar usng rou an ohrs such as Colorao usng hghway.1920 Whl a oubl flash sgnal s characrsc of a nuclar wapons s, h sgnal coul also hav bn a spurous lcronc sgnal gnra by an agng cor n an ol sall, or a moro hng h Vla sall. No corroboraon of an xploson, such as h prsnc of nuclar byproucs n h ar, was vr publcly acknowlg, vn hough hr wr numrous passs n h ara by U.S. Ar Forc plans spcfcally sgn o c arborn raoacv us. Ohr xamnrs of h aa, nclung h Dfns Inllgnc Agncy (DIA), h U.S. Naval Rsarch Laboraory (NRL), an fns conracors, hav com o h concluson ha h flash was no a rsul of a nuclar onaon.456 Much nformaon abou h vn rmans classf. A ay bfor h rfrnum Alsar Carmchal, h MP for Orkny an Shlan, suggs ha f Shlan wr o vo srongly agans npnnc bu h Scosh naonal vo was narrowly n favour, hn a scusson shoul b ha abou Shlan bcomng a slf-govrnng crown pnncy ous of npnn Scolan, smlar o h Isl of Man. H sa ha h no wan such crcumsancs o ars, an h bs way o avo hs was o
vo no n h rfrnum.285286 Opnon pollng Prsng Offcrs (on pr pollng plac).384 Thy wr rsponsbl for h ovrall managmn of h pollng plac. Th Scosh Inpnnc Rfrnum Bll nf h Convnr of h Elcoral Managmn Boar for Scolan as Chf Counng Offcr for h rfrnum.383 Th Chf Counng Offcr, Mary Pcahly,384 was suppor by a Counng Offcr n ach of h 32 local auhory aras of Scolan,384 who was ypcally h Chf Excuv for ha local auhory. Each Counng Offcr ha a rfrnum am, whch nclu: Racons If Scolan bcam an npnn sa, suns from h rs of h UK woul b n h poson n whch suns from h rs of h EU ar.298 A Unvrsy of Enburgh suy foun ha hs woul caus a loss n funng an coul ponally squz ou Scosh suns.298 Th suy suggs hr courss of acon for an npnn Scolan: nrouc uon fs for all suns; ngoa an agrmn wh h EU whr a quoa of sun placs woul b rsrv for Scos; or nrouc a spara amssons srvc for suns from ohr EU mmbr sas, wh an amsson f aach.298 I conclu ha h EU may allow a quoa sysm for som spcals subjcs, such as mcn, whr hr s a clar n for local suns
o b ran for parcular carrs, bu ha ohr subjcs woul no b lgbl.298 Th suy also foun ha hr hr suggson woul run agans h spr of h Bologna agrmn, whch ams o ncourag EU sun mobly.298 6 Rfrncs </span></p> </body></html>