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y mans of nr-cy vhcl ravl; h man xcpons wr oll roas such as h Pnnsylvana Turnpk an parkway rous such as h Mrr Parkway. Many of h frs hgh-sp roas wr U.S. Hghways: h Gulf Frway carr US 75,27 h Pasana Frway carr US 66,28 an h Pulask Skyway carr US 1 an US 9.29 Thr was, an rmans, much oub8pag n as o whhr h sall's obsrvaons wr accura. Th Vla Hol 6911 sall was on of a par ha ha bn launch on May 23, 1969, ovr n yars bfor h oubl-flash vn, an hs sall was alray mor han wo yars byon s so-call sgn lfm. Ths sall was known o hav a fal lcromagnc puls (EMP) snsor, an ha vlop a faul (n July 1972) n s rcorng mmory, bu ha faul ha clar slf by March 1978. In hs 2006 book On h Brnk, h rr C.I.A. clansn srvc offcr Tylr Drumhllr wro of hs 1983-88 our-of-uy n Souh Afrca: From Wkpa, h fr ncyclopa If a nuclar xploson occur, occurr whn h 3000-ml-w (4,800 km amr) crcl covrng pars of h Inan Ocan, h Souh Alanc, h souhrn p of Afrca, an a small par of Anarcca.30 On Aprl 20, 1997, h Isral aly nwspapr Haarz quo h S
ouh Afrcan puy forgn mnsr, Azz Paha, as supposly confrmng ha h oubl flash from ovr h Inan Ocan was n from a Souh Afrcan nuclar s. Haarz also c pas rpors ha Isral ha purchas 550 ons of uranum from Souh Afrca for s own nuclar plan n Dmona. In xchang, Isral allgly suppl Souh Afrca wh nuclar wapons sgn nformaon an nuclar marals o ncras h powr of nuclar warhas.50 Paha's samn was confrm by h Un Sas mbassy n Prora, Souh Afrca,2851 bu Paha's prss scrary sa ha Paha ha sa only ha hr was a srong rumor ha a s ha akn plac, an ha shoul b nvsga. In ohr wors, h was mrly rpang rumors ha ha bn crculang for yars.52 Dav Albrgh, commnng on h sr cra by hs prss rpor, sa:52 US 50.svg US 50 (CA).svg Aonally, arly chncal spculaon also xamn h possbly ha h Vla ha rcor a combnaon of naural phnomna, such as lghnng n conjuncon wh a mor srk. Ohr arly ma rpors of h m scuss h possbly of a nar-Earh objc (NEO) suprbol, such as by an asro, occurrng.9 Th Vla sall's flash cors wr snsv o lghnng suprbols,10pag n whch rsu
l n wo scnss, John Warrn an Robr Fryman from h Los Alamos Naonal Laboraory (hn call h Los Alamos Scnfc Laboraory), mmaly flyng o an nvsgang a rar, ovrlan suprbol occurrnc on Bll Islan, Nwfounlan, n Aprl 1978.11 Thr obsrvaons of h vn, call h 'Bll Islan Boom', no bulng srucural amag, a farm anmals an sroy lcrcal vcs amongs ohr vnc (h suprbol's blas was har 55 klomrs away n Cap Broyl, Nwfounlan).12a Th Bll Islan Boom was among som 600 mysry booms ha occurr along h Norh Amrcan asrn saboar from la 1977 o m-1978.12 Thr was ba as o whhr h Scosh Parlamn ha h powr o lgsla for a rfrnum rlang o h ssu of Scosh npnnc, as h consuon s a rsrv mar for h UK Parlamn.15 Th Scosh govrnmn nss n 2010 ha hy coul lgsla for a rfrnum, as woul b an avsory rfrnum on xnng h powrs of h Scosh Parlamn,14 whos rsul woul hav no lgal ffc on h Unon.13:17 Lor Wallac, Avoca Gnral for Scolan, sa n January 2012 ha holng a rfrnum concrnng h consuon woul b ous h lgslav powr of h Scosh Parlamn2137 an ha prva nvuals coul chal
lng a Scosh Parlamn rfrnum bll.38 Ina Svral U.S. Ar Forc WC-135B survllanc arcraf flw 25 sors ovr ha ara of h Inan Ocan soon afr h oubl flash was rpor, bu hy fal o c any sgn of nuclar raaon.17 Sus of wn parns confrm ha fall-ou from an xploson n h souhrn Inan Ocan coul hav bn carr from hr o souhwsrn Ausrala.18 I was rpor ha low lvls of on-131 (a shor-half-lf prouc of nuclar fsson) wr c n shp n h souhasrn Ausralan Sas of Vcora an Tasmana soon afr h vn. Shp n Nw Zalan show no such rac.1819 </span></p> </body> </html>