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ay 57 n Mxco, an ls ws of formr US 81.7 Th bll ouln hr proposals: h frs was full voluon or 'voluon max', suggsng ha h Scosh Parlamn shoul b rsponsbl for all laws, axs an us n Scolan, wh h xcpon of fnc an forgn affars; fnancal rgulaon, monary polcy an h currncy, whch woul b ran by h Brsh govrnmn.13 Th scon proposal ouln Calman-yp fscal rform, ganng h aonal powrs an rsponsbls of sng a Scosh ra of ncom ax ha coul vary by up o 10p n h poun compar wh h rs of h UK, sng h ra of samp uy lan ax an ohr mnor axs, an nroucng nw axs n Scolan wh h agrmn of h UK Parlamn, an fnally, lm powr o borrow mony.13 Th hr proposal was for full npnnc.13 US 50.svg US 50 (CA).svg Marks an fnancal compans In 2012-13, Scosh unvrss rcv 13.1% of Rsarch Councls UK funng.287 Dr Alan Trnch of Unvrsy Collg Lonon has sa ha Scosh unvrss rcv a hugly sproporona lvl of funng an woul no longr b abl o accss followng npnnc. Wll Rnn, lar of h Scosh Lbral Dmocras, has suggs ha npnnc woul man Scosh unvrss losng ?210m n rsarch
funng.288 Th Insu of Physcs n Scolan warn ha accss o nrnaonal facls such as h CERN Larg Haron Collr, h Europan Spac Agncy, an Europan Souhrn Obsrvaory coul rqur rngoaon by h Scosh govrnmn.289 I also xprss concrns abou rsarch funng from UK chars an h racon of nrnaonal compans wh Scosh facls.289 Th formr Scrary Gnral of NATO an Scosh Labour pr Lor Robrson sa n 2013 ha hr h SNP accp h cnral nuclar rol of NATO ... or hy rjc h nuclar rol of NATO an nsur ha a spara Scosh sa says ou of h worl's mos succssful fnc allanc.105 Gnral Rchar Shrrff crcs SNP proposals for fnc an quson whhr ohr NATO mmbrs woul accp an npnn Scolan ha rjc h prncpl of nuclar rrnc.106 Ths was spu by Maro Lsl, a formr UK prmann rprsnav o NATO, who sa ha NATO woul no wan o srup s arrangmns by xclung Scolan.107 In Ocobr 1984, a Naonal Inllgnc Esma on h Souh Afrcan nuclar program no: Formr prm mnsr Goron Brown sa n Aprl 2014 ha Scolan ha an abov-avrag shar of h publc-scor pnson bll an conclu ha pnsons woul b proc by sharng
rsks an rsourcs whn h UK.263 UK govrnmn pnsons mnsr Sv Wbb sa n May 2014 ha Scos woul b nl o h currn lvls of sa pnson afr npnnc bcaus hy ha accumula rghs whn h xsng sysm.264 Wbb wn on o say ha hr woul n o b ngoaons bwn h UK an Scolan as o how hs pnsons woul b pa.264 In rlaon o prva pnson schms, a rpor by h Insu of Charr Accounans of Scolan xprss concrn ha hr wr no plans o al wh EU rgulaons ha may affc h funng of cross-borr fn bnf schms.265 Th EC c n March 2014 no o rlax hs rgulaons, whch rqur cross-borr schms o b fully fun.266 In 2013, as par of a Europan Unon (EU) mmbr sa, Scosh farmrs rcv ?583 mllon n subsy paymns from h EU unr h Common Agrculural Polcy (CAP).64 Annual CAP paymns ar ma o h UK, whch hn rmns how much o alloca o ach of h volv amnsraons, nclung Scolan.65 In h las CAP agrmn, farmrs n h UK qualf for aonal convrgnc paymns bcaus Scosh farmrs rcv a lowr avrag sngl farm paymn pr hcar, manly u o h mounanous rran n Scolan.6566 Supporrs of npnnc hrfor blv ha an npnn Scolan wo
ul rcv grar agrculural subss han whn par of h UK.65 Opponns of npnnc blv ha Scosh farmrs bnf bcaus h UK was on of h largr EU mmbr sas an hrfor ha a grar say n CAP ngoaons.65 Thy also quson whhr an npnn Scolan woul mmaly rcv full subsy paymns from h EU, as rcn nw mmbr sas ha ha hr subss phas n.65 Elcronc bllboar showng Ys campagn mags Occupyng Monral an Qubc Cy woul cu h rmanr of Canaa off from h Easrn saboar, prvnng h movmn of solrs an rsourcs n boh rcons. </span></p> </body></html>