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halh car has bn volv o h Scosh Parlamn snc was sablsh n 1999.240 Th Scosh govrnmn has nac halh polcs whch ar ffrn from hos n Englan, such as abolshng chargs for prscrpons an lrly prsonal car.240 NHS Scolan has bn opraonally npnn of h NHS n h rs of h Un Kngom snc h formaon of h NHS n 1948.241242 Supporrs of npnnc argu ha npnnc s n bcaus possbl rucons n h NHS bug n Englan woul rsul n ruc funng for Scolan, whch woul mak ffcul o manan h xsng srvc.242 Harry Burns a formr chf mcal offcr for Scolan, sa n July 2014 ha h hough npnnc coul b bnfcal for publc halh bcaus may gv popl grar conrol of hr lvs.243 6 Furhr rang Dsgn changs of U.S. Hghway shl Wnnpg s a cnral nxus of h Canaan ral sysm for conncng h counry. Da Thr s no prcn for an EU mmbr sa vng no wo sovrgn counrs afr jonng h EU.211 Supporrs of npnnc hav sa ha an npnn Scolan woul bcom an EU mmbr by ray amnmn unr Arcl 48 of h EU ras.212 Opponns say ha hs woul no b possbl an ha an npnn Scolan woul n o apply for EU mmbrshp unr Arcl 49,
whch woul rqur rafcaon by ach mmbr sa.212 Ars Chrsophr Haly says ha h sn wo lrs, on o Colonl Tom Ma, h ha of h formr US-Ausralan Jon Dfns Facly Nurrungar, o ask abou h possbly of makng a prmann commmoraon of h Amrcan prsnc n Ausrala. Ths coul hav nspr h a of crang a goglyph among locals. An npnn panl of scnfc an ngnrng xprs was commsson by Frank Prss, who was h Scnc Avsor o prsn Carr an h charman of h OSTP, o valua h vnc an rmn h lklhoo ha h vn was a nuclar onaon. Th charman of hs scnc panl slf was Dr. Jack Runa of h Massachuss Insu of Tchnology, an also h formr rcor of h U.S. Dparmn of Dfns's Avanc Rsarch Projcs Agncy. Rporng n h summr of 1980, h panl no ha hr wr som ky ffrncs n h c opcal sgnaur from ha of an acual nuclar xploson, parcularly n h rao of nnss masur by h wo cors on h sall. Th now-classf rpor5 conans als of h masurmns ma by h Vla Hol sall. Th oubl flash was c on Spmbr 22, 1979, a 00:53 GMT, by h Amrcan Vla sall 6911, whch carr varous snsors sgn spcfcally o c nuclar xpl
osons ha conravn h Paral Nuclar Ts Ban Tray. In aon o bng abl o c gamma rays, X-rays, an nurons, h sall also conan wo slcon sol-sa bhangmr snsors ha coul c h ual lgh flashs assoca wh an amosphrc nuclar xploson: h nal brf, nns flash, follow by a scon, longr flash.6 Brsh sragy for war agans h Un Sas Ausrala Marr Man.png Th B-47 bombr was on a smula comba msson from Homsa Ar Forc Bas n Flora. I was carryng a sngl 7,600-poun (3,400 kg) bomb. A abou 2:00 AM, h B-47 coll wh an F-86. Th F-86 crash, afr h plo jc from h plan. Th amag B-47 rman arborn, alb barly. Wsconsn was h frs sa n h U.S. o numbr s hghways, rcng sgns n May 1918.1 Ohr sas soon follow. In 1922 h Nw Englan sas go oghr o sablsh h sx-sa Nw Englan Inrsa Rous.21 Isral 1.3 Namng </span></p> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>