<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body lang="EN-GB" style='tab-interval:36.0pt'> <div class="Section1"> <table class="MsoNormalTable" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="600" style='width:450.0pt;mso-cellspacing:0cm;mso-padding-alt:7.5pt 7.5pt 7.5pt 7.5pt'> <tr style='mso-yfti-irow:0;mso-yfti-lastrow:yes'> <td style='padding:7.5pt 7.5pt 7.5pt 7.5pt'> <p align="center" style='text-align:center'> <b><span style='font-size:22.0pt; font-family:Arial;color:red'></span> <span style='font-size:22.0pt;color:red'>Korean Biochemist Makes High Blood Pressure Breakthrough</span></b> </p> <p align="center" style='text-align:center'> <b><span style='font-size:18.0pt'>"This amazing all natural nutrient works by expanding narrow blood vessels"</span></b> </p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style='font-family:Arial'>A renowned biochemist living near</span> <span style='font-family:Arial'>Seattle</span><span style='font-fa
mily: Arial'>,</span> <span style='font-family:Arial'>Washington</span><span style='font-family:Arial'>, has made a blood pressure breakthrough. It,??s based on his 15 years of research and $39 million spent on clinical studies. </span> </p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style='font-family:Arial'>In a study, patients with high blood pressure were able to <b>increase their blood flow</b> through their restricted arteries</span>. </p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style='font-family:Arial'>How did this happen? </span> </p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style='font-family:Arial'>Well, the patients,?? <b>narrowed arteries were able to dilate</b> much more easily. This means the <b>blood could flow freely through</b> the arteries unrestricted. </span> </p> <p class="MsoNormal"> <span style='font-family:Arial'>The result? Their <b>hearts no longer had to overwork</b> to pump blood through their arteries. As a result, the patients <u><b>reduced their risk</b></u> of potential problems. </span> <
/p> <p class="MsoNormal" align="center"> <span style='font-family:Arial; font-weight:700'>Now you can discover their same secret in this breakthrough video!</span> </p> <p align="center" style='text-align:center'> <b><span style='font-family:Arial'><font size="5"><a href="http://whogoogoo.com/VbksfOSy4M4Ciut/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715">Click Here</a> to Watch Now</font></span></b> </p> <p align="center" style='text-align:center'> <img border="0" src="http://whogoogoo.com/img/heartchestimage_withplaybutton.jpg/" width="223" height="225" alt=""> </p> <p align="center"> <b><span style='font-size:13.5pt;font-family:Arial'><a href="http://whogoogoo.com/VbksfOSy4M4Ciut/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715">Click here</a> to hear how new secret ingredient ,??<span class="SpellE">X,??was</span> proven to support healthy Blood Pressure</span></b> </p> <p> <b><span style='font-family:Arial'><font size="4">Super-Ingredient "X", revealed in video, is proven to:</font></span></b> </p> <ul type
="disc"> <li class="MsoNormal" style='mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list 36.0pt'> <span style='font-family:Arial'>Lowers bad oxidized LDL cholesterol</span> </li> <li class="MsoNormal" style='mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list 36.0pt'> <span style='font-family:Arial'>Has <b>15 times</b> more power to inhibit ACE than the most powerful land-based <span class="SpellE">polyphenols</span>. (When ACE is suppressed, your blood vessels will dilate and expand better, lowering your blood pressure naturally.)</span> </li> <li class="MsoNormal" style='mso-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto;mso-list:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list 36.0pt'> <span style='font-family:Arial'>Lower triglycerides blood fats</span> </li> </ul> <p> <span style='font-family:Arial; font-weight:700'><font size="4">Plus much <span class="SpellE">much</span> more!</font></span> </p> <p> <span style='fon
t-family:Arial; color:#141413'><font size="3">Johns Hopkins research shows people MISSING "this" nutrient have <b>80% Greater chance of narrowing of the arteries</b> (a leading risk factor for heart disease).</font></span> </p> <p align="center"> <b><span style='font-size:15.0pt;font-family:Arial'>Video Reveals #1 Secret To Promoting Healthy Blood Pressure,Naturally! >>>> Click Here</span></b> </p> <p> <span style='font-family:Arial'><font size="3">Enjoy!<br> The Marine Essentials Team</font></span> </p> </td> </tr> </table> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p> </div>To stop--receiving messages, please__visit <a href="http://whogoogoo.com/TcvhZ4LoabHAb1=/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715">_here</a>.<br> <br> Or mail your request to:<br> 1808__W__103rd__St.__Chicago__Illinois_60643 <p style="display:none;"> <span style="display:none;"> Man arcl: Opnon pollng for h Scosh npnnc rfrnum, 2014 ginga-argentina 2.1 Anonymous prss rlass Wll bfor h Vla Incn, Amrcan nllgnc agncs ha ma h assssmn ha Isral
probably possss s own nuclar wapons.33 Accorng o journals Symour Hrsh, h con was h hr jon Isral-Souh Afrcan nuclar s n h Inan Ocan, an h Israls ha sn wo IDF shps an a conngn of Isral mlary mn an nuclar xprs for h s.1 Auhor Rchar Rhos also conclus h ncn was an Isral nuclar s, conuc n coopraon wh Souh Afrca, an ha h Un Sas amnsraon lbraly obscur hs fac n orr o avo complcang rlaons wh Souh Afrca.2 Lkws, Lonar Wss offrs a numbr of argumns o suppor h s bng Isral, an clams ha succssv US amnsraons connu o covr up h s o vr unwan anon ha may porray s forgn polcy n a ba lgh.3 In h 2008 book Th Nuclar Exprss: A Polcal Hsory of h Bomb an s Prolfraon Thomas C. R an Danny B. Sllman sa hr opnon ha h oubl flash was h rsul of a jon Souh Afrcan-Isral nuclar bomb s.34 Dav Albrgh sa n hs arcl abou h oubl flash vn n h Bulln of Aomc Scnss ha If h 1979 flash was caus by a s, mos xprs agr was probably an Isral s.35 Th plan consrs svral lan an sa opons for h aack an conclus ha a lanng a S. Margars Bay, a h
n unvlop bay nar Halfax, woul b supror o a rc assaul va h longr ovrlan rou. 2.2 Plaqu Vancouvr an Vcora: Chrsna McKlv, Convnr of h Europan an Exrnal Rlaons Comm of h Scosh Parlamn, n March 2014 ask Vvan Rng, Vc-Prsn of h Europan Commsson, whhr Arcl 48 woul apply.213 Rng rpl ha EU ras woul no longr apply o a rrory whn scs from a mmbr sa.214 Sh also nca ha Arcl 49 woul b h rou o apply o bcom a mmbr of h EU.214 Jose Manul Barroso, prsn of h Europan Commsson, sa arlr ha an npnn Scolan woul hav o apply for mmbrshp, whl h rs of h UK woul connu o b a mmbr.215 In 2014, h rra ha Scolan jonng h EU woul b xrmly ffcul, f no mpossbl.216 Sarng on Fbruary 6, 1958, h Ar Forc 2700h Explosv Ornanc Dsposal Squaron an 100 Navy prsonnl qupp wh han hl sonar an galvanc rag an cabl swps moun a sarch. On Aprl 16, h mlary announc h sarch ha bn unsuccssful. Bas on a hyrologc survy, h bomb was hough by h Dparmn of Enrgy o l bur unr 5 o 15 f (2 o 5 m) of sl a h boom of Wassaw Soun.3 Conns h Issus Man arcl: Au
o ral Polcal avrsng on lvson an rao n h UK was prohb by h Communcaons Ac 2003, wh h xcpon of prm pary polcal broacass.53 Thr major cnma chans sopp showng avrs by rfrnum campagn groups afr rcvng ngav fback from hr cusomrs.54 Wlfar Furhr nformaon: Govrnmn of h 4h Scosh Parlamn Oucom of h vo On Aprl 20, 1997, h Isral aly nwspapr Haarz quo h Souh Afrcan puy forgn mnsr, Azz Paha, as supposly confrmng ha h oubl flash from ovr h Inan Ocan was n from a Souh Afrcan nuclar s. Haarz also c pas rpors ha Isral ha purchas 550 ons of uranum from Souh Afrca for s own nuclar plan n Dmona. In xchang, Isral allgly suppl Souh Afrca wh nuclar wapons sgn nformaon an nuclar marals o ncras h powr of nuclar warhas.50 Paha's samn was confrm by h Un Sas mbassy n Prora, Souh Afrca,2851 bu Paha's prss scrary sa ha Paha ha sa only ha hr was a srong rumor ha a s ha akn plac, an ha shoul b nvsga. In ohr wors, h was mrly rpang rumors ha ha bn crculang for yars.52 Dav Albrgh, commnng on h sr cra by hs prss rpor, sa
:52 S also: Nuclar wapons an Isral War Plan R frs s ou a scrpon of Canaa's gography, mlary rsourcs, an ransporaon, an wn on o valua a srs of possbl pr-mpv Amrcan campagns o nva Canaa n svral aras an occupy ky pors an ralways bfor Brsh roops coul prov rnforcmn o h Canaans - h assumpon bng ha Bran woul us Canaa as a sagng pon. Th a was ha h Amrcan aacks on Canaa woul prvn Bran from usng Canaan rsourcs, pors, or arbass.2 Th Scosh Inpnnc Rfrnum Bll, sng ou h arrangmns for hs rfrnum, was pass by h Scosh Parlamn n Novmbr 2013, followng an agrmn bwn h Scosh an h Un Kngom govrnmns, an was nac as h Scosh Inpnnc Rfrnum Ac 2013. To pass, h npnnc proposal rqur a smpl majory. Wh som xcpons, all Europan Unon (EU) or Commonwalh czns rsn n Scolan ag 16 or ovr coul vo, a oal of almos 4.3 mllon popl. </span></p> </body> </html>