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Scosh Parlamn as a rsul of h Scolan Ac 2012.6263 Th Elcoral Commsson prpar an nformaon lafl whch confrm ha h UK an Scosh govrnmns ha rach agrmn on hs pons.63 7 Foonos For h mos par, h U.S. Rous wr h prmary mans of nr-cy vhcl ravl; h man xcpons wr oll roas such as h Pnnsylvana Turnpk an parkway rous such as h Mrr Parkway. Many of h frs hgh-sp roas wr U.S. Hghways: h Gulf Frway carr US 75,27 h Pasana Frway carr US 66,28 an h Pulask Skyway carr US 1 an US 9.29 Tn vors scovr ha somon ha vo unr hr nams a pollng saons n Glasgow,406 a mho of frau rm 'prsonaon', an hs l o an nvsgaon by Polc Scolan.406 Ths sgn, phoograph n 1941 on US 99 bwn Sal, Washngon, an Porlan, Orgon, llusras on raonal for a fral hghway sysm: naonal fns. Thr was, an rmans, much oub8pag n as o whhr h sall's obsrvaons wr accura. Th Vla Hol 6911 sall was on of a par ha ha bn launch on May 23, 1969, ovr n yars bfor h oubl-flash vn, an hs sall was alray mor han wo yars byon s so-call sgn lfm. Ths sall was known o hav a fal l
cromagnc puls (EMP) snsor, an ha vlop a faul (n July 1972) n s rcorng mmory, bu ha faul ha clar slf by March 1978. In 2013, as par of a Europan Unon (EU) mmbr sa, Scosh farmrs rcv ?583 mllon n subsy paymns from h EU unr h Common Agrculural Polcy (CAP).64 Annual CAP paymns ar ma o h UK, whch hn rmns how much o alloca o ach of h volv amnsraons, nclung Scolan.65 In h las CAP agrmn, farmrs n h UK qualf for aonal convrgnc paymns bcaus Scosh farmrs rcv a lowr avrag sngl farm paymn pr hcar, manly u o h mounanous rran n Scolan.6566 Supporrs of npnnc hrfor blv ha an npnn Scolan woul rcv grar agrculural subss han whn par of h UK.65 Opponns of npnnc blv ha Scosh farmrs bnf bcaus h UK was on of h largr EU mmbr sas an hrfor ha a grar say n CAP ngoaons.65 Thy also quson whhr an npnn Scolan woul mmaly rcv full subsy paymns from h EU, as rcn nw mmbr sas ha ha hr subss phas n.65 7 Rfrncs Dsgn changs of U.S. Hghway shl </span></p> </body> </html>