<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title> </title> </head> Dear_ ginga-argentina,<br/><br/> You were recently chosen as a potential_candidate_ to represent your professional community in the 2015 Edition of Who's__Who. The premier networking organization for distinguished professionals. <br><br> Once finalized, your listing will share registry space with tens-of-thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishment within their own geographical __ area. <br><br> To_verify_your profile and accept the candidacy, <a href="http://kkrdream.com/VRFfiYmcgHAX8KmUImeb/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715">please click_here.</a> <br><br> On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievement and welcome you to our organization. <br><br> Warm Regards, <br><br> Membership_Division<br> Who's Who Among_Executives_and_Professionals <br> <a href="http://
kkrdream.com/t8TtyvIOcSq5HnsKwZRG/">Unsubscribe</a> <br> <p style="display:none;"> <span style="display:none;"> Dsgn changs of U.S. Hghway shl Labour MP Caroln Fln has sa ha npnnc woul man hghr nrgy blls n Scolan, as s cusomrs woul hav o pay mor o suppor rnwabl nrgy n Scolan, whch rprsns on hr of h UK oal.200 Euan Phmsr has sa ha blls ar lkly o ncras across h whol of Gra Bran bcaus rnwabl schms an nw nuclar powr saons n Englan ar boh rcvng hghr subss han h powr plans whch wll shorly clos u o nvronmnal rgulaons.200 H also sa ha hr s a sncon bwn xsng an propos rnwabl schms n ha h xsng schms hav alray bn pa for, whras any nw consrucon rqurs h proms of subsy from h consumr.200 Enrgy an Clma Chang Scrary E Davy sa Scosh gnraors woul no longr b lgbl for UK subss, whch woul ncras nrgy blls for consumrs.203 Poll Clrks.384 Thy asss h Prsng Offcr a hr pollng plac. An npnn panl of scnfc an ngnrng xprs was commsson by Frank Prss, who was h Scnc Avsor o prsn Carr an h charman of h OSTP, o valua
h vnc an rmn h lklhoo ha h vn was a nuclar onaon. Th charman of hs scnc panl slf was Dr. Jack Runa of h Massachuss Insu of Tchnology, an also h formr rcor of h U.S. Dparmn of Dfns's Avanc Rsarch Projcs Agncy. Rporng n h summr of 1980, h panl no ha hr wr som ky ffrncs n h c opcal sgnaur from ha of an acual nuclar xploson, parcularly n h rao of nnss masur by h wo cors on h sall. Th now-classf rpor5 conans als of h masurmns ma by h Vla Hol sall. Fnancal groups Th Royal Bank of Scolan, Lloys, Clysal Bank, TSB an Tsco Bank announc ha hy plann o mov hr rgsr haquarrs from Scolan o Englan n h vn of Scolan vong o lav h UK; mos nca ha hy ha no mma nnon o ransfr any jobs.321322 Th gap narrow afr h rlas of h Scosh govrnmn wh papr on npnnc: an avrag of 5 polls n Dcmbr 2013 an January 2014 gav 39% ys an 61% no, onc 'on' knows' ha bn xclu.375 Th polls ghn furhr afr h Chancllor of h Exchqur, Gorg Osborn, sa n Fbruary ha h UK govrnmn was oppos o a currncy unon; h avrag ys suppor ncras o 43%, onc 'on
' knows' ha bn xclu.376 Thr was ll movmn n h followng monhs, wh h avrag connung o show 43% ys an 57% no (xclung on' knows) n July 2014377 an Augus 2014.378 Form:        Novmbr 11, 19261 Afr wks of ngoaon, a ba bwn Salmon an Darlng was arrang.124 Th programm, l as Salmon & Darlng: Th Dba, was broacas by STV on 5 Augus 2014. A scon ba bwn Salmon an Darlng, l Scolan Dcs: Salmon vrsus Darlng was shown on BBC On Scolan (an BBC Two n h rs of h UK) on 25 Augus.362363 8 Rfrncs Snc 1980, som small amouns of nw nformaon hav mrg. Howvr, mos qusons rman unanswr: Ys Scolan sa ha h UK govrnmn plans for an EU rfrnum hav caus conomc uncrany for Scolan.235 Durng a CBI Scolan vn an by Camron, busnssman Mk Rak crcs hm for crang uncrany abou EU mmbrshp.236 In rspons o such crcsm, Camron pon o xampls of nwar nvsmn n h UK ha h sa was no happnng n h rs of Europ.236 Som commnaors hav suggs ha h UK lavng h EU woul unrmn h cas for Scosh npnnc, snc fr ra, from of movmn an h absnc of borr conrols wh h UK coul no long
r b assum.237238239 Dsagrmn an rfnmn 1925-26 2.2 No aacks ous Wsrn Hmsphr </span></p> </body></html>