<p>This is a reminder that you may have a payment pending to cover your disability.</p><p>Go <a href="http://grizzlybase.org/wneIeBfVM4IY2A3KiXie/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715/Q_JqaymNuMlY0~SedQirswJIFv1Em3GkSqUNkPB4SelOuLeETHFdnReGzmn" target="_blank">here</a> to find out your payment distribution amount</p><p>If your disability is preventing you from working full time, then you may qualify for financial support.</p><p><a href="http://grizzlybase.org/wneIeBfVM4IY2A3KiXie/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715/bLQiPPM5r22KRji0UFCeVA15sEu8EdFbrGHNtZR9" target="_blank">Visit here to see how much you qualify for</a></p><p>The short evaluation form takes less than 2 minutes to complete.</p><p>If you are not working and are in need of financial assistance, then you will find this resource useful.</p><p><a href="http://grizzlybase.org/wneIeBfVM4IY2A3KiXie/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715/Bm395qeOqLRvHOs5gnPF7B6noVV6GERxxp07OB9_" target="_blank">Visit here to see how much financial assistance
may be pending for you.</a></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><a href="http://grizzlybase.org/m8sRneVmrg8eHe4RmRFf/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715/" target="_blank">Unsubscribe_</a></p><p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(119, 119, 119); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal;">IM_Solutions, LLC. 1820__Preston__Park__Blvd., Suite_2200, Plano, TX 75093</span><br></p> <p style="display:none;"> <span style="display:none;"> Th Scosh Socals Pary favours an npnn Scosh currncy pgg o srlng n h shor rm.176 Th Scosh Grn Pary sa ha kpng srlng as a shor rm ransonal arrangmn shoul no b rul ou, bu h Scosh govrnmn shoul kp an opn mn abou movng owars an npnn currncy.177 Th Jmmy R Founaon, n arly 2013, scrb rnon of h poun as a goo ransonal arrangmn, bu rcommn h vnual sablshmn of an npnn Scosh currncy o nsula Scolan from h UK's conomc nsably.178 Ohr proponns of an npnn Scosh currncy nclu Ys Scolan charman Dnns Canavan an formr SNP puy lar Jm Sllars.179 ginga-argen
tina 2 Hsory Th U.S. govrnmn shoul classfy aonal nformaon abou h vn. A horough publc arng of h xsng nformaon coul rsolv h conrovrsy. Man arcl: Hsory of h formaon of h Un Kngom US 28 Orgon 1948 shl markr In January 2012, h UK govrnmn offr o lgsla o prov h Scosh Parlamn wh h powrs o hol a rfrnum, provng was far, lgal an csv.21 Ths woul s rms of rfrnc for h rfrnum, such as s quson(s), lcor lgbly an whch boy woul organs h vo.22 As h UK govrnmn work on lgal als, nclung h mng of h vo, Salmon announc an nnon o hol h rfrnum n h auumn of 2014.22 Ngoaons connu bwn h wo govrnmns unl Ocobr 2012, whn h Enburgh Agrmn was rach.7 8 Exrnal lnks Norway: Facng h rsul of h rfrnum, Erna Solbrg, Prm Mnsr of Norway, sa o Norwgan broacasr NRK sh was 'gla' Scolan chos o rman n unon an ha Scosh npnnc coul hav bcom challngng for Norway as a nghbourng counry.401 1 Dcon If Scolan jon a currncy unon wh h UK, som fscal polcy consrans coul b mpos on h Scosh sa.147 Bankng xprs hav sa ha bng h junor parnr n a currn
cy arrangmn coul amoun o a loss of fscal auonomy for Scolan.167 Dr Angus Armsrong of h Naonal Insu of Economc an Socal Rsarch wro ha h mplc consrans on s conomc polcy woul b mor rsrcv han h xplc ons facs as a mmbr of h UK.168 Salmon sa n Fbruary 2014 ha an npnn Scolan n a currncy unon woul ran ax an spnng powrs.169 Gavn McCron, formr chf conomc avsr o h Scosh Offc, sa ha Scolan's rnon of h poun woul b pragmac nally, bu problmac hrafr f a Scosh govrnmn wsh o mplmn npnn polcs, an h warn ha kpng h poun coul la o h rlocaon of Scosh banks o Lonon.170 Th SNP rpa s commmn o hol a rfrnum whn publsh s 2011 Scosh parlamnary lcon manfso.18 Days bfor h lcon, Salmon sa ha lgslaon for a rfrnum woul b propos n h 2n half of h parlamn, as h wan o scur mor powrs for h Scosh Parlamn va h Scolan Bll frs.19 Th SNP gan an ovrall majory n h lcon, wnnng 69 from 129 sas, hrby ganng a mana o hol an npnnc rfrnum.2021 A h launch of h Ys Scolan campagn n May 2012, Alx Salmon sa ha h cas for npnnc woul b rvn b
y communy acvsm an onln wzarry.335 8 Rfrncs Rgsraon        51-2349 Souh Afrca Th Scosh govrnmn sa ha no havng a currncy unon coul cos busnsss n Englan, Wals, an Norhrn Irlan ?500 mllon n ransacon chargs whn rang wh an npnn Scolan;164165 Pla Cymru rasury spoksprson Jonahan Ewars commn ha such coss wr a hra o Wlsh busnss.165 Scosh Labour lar Johann Lamon sa ha any aonal ransacon coss woul fall largly on Scosh compans, cosng busnsss n Scolan 11 ms mor han hos n Englan.166 Th Insu of Drcors sa ha any nw ransacon coss woul pal n comparson o h fnancal angr of nrng an unsabl currncy unon.166 Prsng Offcrs (on pr pollng plac).384 Thy wr rsponsbl for h ovrall managmn of h pollng plac. Onln campagns Halh car </span></p>