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ayrs woul ach hav ?65,000 of ponal labls urng a hypohcal balou n Scolan, vrsus ?30,000 as par of h UK.131 Economss nclung Anrw Hughs Hall, Profssor of Economcs a S Anrws Unvrsy, rjc h a ha Scolan woul hav o unrwr hs labls alon. H obsrv ha banks oprang n mor han on counry can b gvn a jon balou by mulpl govrnmns.132 In hs mannr, Fors Bank an h Dxa Bank wr bal ou collcvly by Franc, Blgum, an h Nhrlans.132 Th Fral Rsrv Sysm ln mor han US$1 rllon o Brsh banks, nclung $446 bllon o h Royal Bank of Scolan (RBS), bcaus hy ha opraons n h Un Sas.132133 Robr Pson rpor n March 2014 ha RBS an Lloys Bankng Group mgh b forc o rloca hr ha offcs from Enburgh o Lonon n cas of Scosh npnnc, u o a Europan law brough n afr h 1991 collaps of h Bank of Cr an Commrc Inrnaonal.134 ginga-argentina Hsory Rsuls Thr was, an rmans, much oub8pag n as o whhr h sall's obsrvaons wr accura. Th Vla Hol 6911 sall was on of a par ha ha bn launch on May 23, 1969, ovr n yars bfor h oubl-flash vn, an hs sall was alray mor ha
n wo yars byon s so-call sgn lfm. Ths sall was known o hav a fal lcromagnc puls (EMP) snsor, an ha vlop a faul (n July 1972) n s rcorng mmory, bu ha faul ha clar slf by March 1978. Ys Scolan sa ha h UK govrnmn plans for an EU rfrnum hav caus conomc uncrany for Scolan.235 Durng a CBI Scolan vn an by Camron, busnssman Mk Rak crcs hm for crang uncrany abou EU mmbrshp.236 In rspons o such crcsm, Camron pon o xampls of nwar nvsmn n h UK ha h sa was no happnng n h rs of Europ.236 Som commnaors hav suggs ha h UK lavng h EU woul unrmn h cas for Scosh npnnc, snc fr ra, from of movmn an h absnc of borr conrols wh h UK coul no longr b assum.237238239 Canaa: John Bar, h Mnsr of Forgn Affars of Canaa, wlcom h cson an pras h conuc of h rfrnum.398 Summary        Mar collson If a nuclar xploson occur, occurr whn h 3000-ml-w (4,800 km amr) crcl covrng pars of h Inan Ocan, h Souh Alanc, h souhrn p of Afrca, an a small par of Anarcca.30 War Plan R was vlop by h Un Sas Army followng h 1927 Gnva Naval Confr
nc an approv n May 1930 by h Scrary of War an h Scrary of Navy an upa n 1934-35. In 1939 on h oubrak of Worl War II an Bran's war agans Naz Grmany, a cson was akn ha no furhr plannng was rqur bu ha h plan b ran.3 War Plan R was no classf unl 1974. Work Th mos ha argumn, howvr, was h ssu of US 60. Th Jon Boar ha assgn ha numbr o h Chcago-Los Angls rou, whch ran mor norh-souh han ws-as n Illnos, an hn angl sharply o h souhws o Oklahoma Cy, from whr ran ws o Los Angls. Knucky srongly objc o hs sgna rou, as ha bn lf off any of h major as-ws rous, nsa rcvng h US 62 sgnaon. In January 1926, h comm sgna hs, along wh h par of US 52 as of Ashlan, Knucky, as US 60. Thy assgn US 62 o h Chcago-Los Angls rou, conngn on h approval of h sas along h formr US 60. Bu Mssour an Oklahoma objc--Mssour ha alray prn maps, an Oklahoma ha prpar sgns. A comproms was propos, n whch US 60 woul spl a Sprngfl, Mssour, no US 60E an US 60N, bu boh ss objc. Th fnal soluon rsul n h assgnmn of US 66 o h Chcago-Los
Angls poron of h US hghway, whch no n n zro, bu was sll sn as a sasfyngly roun numbr.1 Rou 66 cam o hav a promnn plac n popular culur, bng faur n song an flms. Inllgnc Furhr nformaon: Govrnmn of h 4h Scosh Parlamn From Wkpa, h fr ncyclopa Th Scosh Socals Pary favours an npnn Scosh currncy pgg o srlng n h shor rm.176 Th Scosh Grn Pary sa ha kpng srlng as a shor rm ransonal arrangmn shoul no b rul ou, bu h Scosh govrnmn shoul kp an opn mn abou movng owars an npnn currncy.177 Th Jmmy R Founaon, n arly 2013, scrb rnon of h poun as a goo ransonal arrangmn, bu rcommn h vnual sablshmn of an npnn Scosh currncy o nsula Scolan from h UK's conomc nsably.178 Ohr proponns of an npnn Scosh currncy nclu Ys Scolan charman Dnns Canavan an formr SNP puy lar Jm Sllars.179 From Wkpa, h fr ncyclopa A UK govrnmn papr on scury sa ha Polc Scolan woul los accss o h nllgnc apparaus of h UK, nclung MI5, SIS an GCHQ.108 Th papr also sa ha an npnn Scosh sa woul n o bul s own scury nfrasrucur.108 Thrsa May com
mn ha an npnn Scolan woul hav accss o lss scury capably, bu woul no ncssarly fac a ruc hra.108 In 2013, Allan Burn, formr ha of nllgnc wh Srahcly Polc an Scolan's counr-rrorsm co-ornaor unl 2010, sa ha an npnn Scolan woul fac lss of a hra, nllgnc nsuons wll b raly cra, an alls wll rman alls. Pr Jackson, profssor of scury a h Unvrsy of Glasgow, agr ha Spcal Branch coul form a suabl nuclus of a Scosh quvaln of MI5, an ha Scolan coul forgo crang an quvaln of MI6, nsa rlyng on pool nllgnc or plomac opn sourcs lk Canaa or h Norc counrs.109 Baronss Ramsay, a Labour pr an formr cas offcr wh MI6, sa ha h Scosh govrnmn's sanpon on nllgnc was xrmly naiv an ha was no gong o b as smpl as hy hnk.109 Ncola Surgon sa ha Scolan woul cra s own scury srvc lk MI5 o work alongs polc an ackl rrorsm, cybr aacks an srous organs crm.110 Sh also sa crang an xrnal nllgnc agncy woul rman an opon.110 Fmns conoms Alsa McKay, a supporr of h Racal Inpnnc movmn, argu ha an npnn Scolan shoul chang s wlfar sysm ram
acally by offrng all s popl a basc ncom.318 U.S. Rou nn (US nn) </span></p> </center> </body>