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A narrow majory of vos wr cas n favour of chang, bu hs ha no ffc u o a rqurmn ha h numbr vong 'Ys' ha o xc 40% of h oal lcora.3 Elcoral Rgsraon Offcrs. Thy compl an manan h lcoral rgsr an lss of posal an proxy vors.384 Man arcl: Opnon pollng for h Scosh npnnc rfrnum, 2014 Un Sas: Th Wh Hous congraula Scolan on hr full an nrgc xrcs of mocracy. Prsn Barack Obama wlcom h rsul, sayng h look forwar o connung our srong an spcal rlaonshp wh all h popl of Gra Bran an Norhrn Irlan.396 Ouln of h Man 10 Exrnal lnks Conns h Th prospc of an npnn Scolan has ras qusons abou h fuur of h Norhrn Isls (Orkny an Shlan) an h Wsrn Isls, slan groups off h Scosh manlan. Som slanrs hav call for spara rfrnums o b hl n h slans on 25 Spmbr 2014, on wk afr h Scosh rfrnum.274275276 In March 2014, h Scosh Parlamn publsh h onln pon ha rcv callng for such rfrnums, whch was suppor by Shlan MSP Tavsh Sco.277 Th rfrnums woul ask slanrs o choos from hr opons: ha h slan group shoul bcom an npnn counry; shoul rman n Scolan; or (n h vn of Scosh npnnc) shoul rman n h UK.278 Whn h U.S. numbr sysm was sar n 1925, a fw oponal roungs wr sablsh whch wr sgna wh a suffx lr afr h numbr ncang norh, souh, as, or ws. Whl a fw roas n h sysm ar sll numbr n hs mannr, AASHO blvs ha hy shoul b lmna whrvr possbl, by h absorpon of on of h oponal rous no anohr rou. On h ngh of 19 Spmbr, hr was a voln confronaon bwn 'Ys' an 'No' supporrs n Glasgow cy cnr. Hunrs of loyals unonss arrv o clbra h 'No' vo an rporly aack npnnc supporrs who ha bn gahr n Gorg Squar.412 Many of h unonss wav Unon Jacks or loyals flags an chan Rul, Branna!.412 Som ma Naz salus an shou racs abus.412 Abou 150 polc offcrs wr raf n o spara h groups bu som unonss brok hrough polc lns.412 A numbr of popl wr rporly ban an bols wr hrown.413 A prss phoographr ol Th Scosman h saw popl bng kck abou an was forc o fl afr bng hran.413 A Scosh flag was also rporly burn.414 Th lcrcy gnraor of h Sunay Hral, h only nwspapr o suppor npnnc, was s on fr by wo mn.415 Polc ma lvn arrss an s up an 'ncn room'.413 Th volnc was conmn by polcans from boh h 'Ys' an 'No' camps.413 Form:        Novmbr 11, 19261 Th sall rpor h characrsc oubl flash of a small amosphrc nuclar xploson of wo o hr kloons, n h Inan Ocan bwn Th Croz Islans (a vry small, sparsly nhab Frnch posssson) an h Prnc Ewar Islans whch blong o Souh Afrca a 47?S 40?ECoornas: 47?S 40?E. Th prvous 41 oubl flashs h Vla salls c wr all subsqunly confrm o b nuclar xplosons.7 Th plan consrs svral lan an sa opons for h aack an conclus ha a lanng a S. Margars Bay, a hn unvlop bay nar Halfax, woul b supror o a rc assaul va h longr ovrlan rou. </span></p></center> <p></p> </body></html>