<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title> </title> </head> <body> Hey ginga-argentina,<br><br>You were recently chosen as a potential candidate to represent your professional community in the 2014 Edition of Who's Who. The premier networking organization for distinguished professionals.<br><br>Once finalized, your listing will share registry space with tens-of-thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishment within their own geographical area.<br><br><a href="http://deaftext.com/B3Kj0wOtlyLKYj6zyIXe/lJR7dMWPDqHGNoTPnehlrVwxDb3cxTvRvvLoQzb~oAY08aTX458oSMGEd7QlqE_W~pcNBPtvgN6jPyJaF_phjNqokzs04ZSCAH6JnUt8240RPq2IAMjV0cRbbJF_LfBkhTgAcAQ1FkVfcBkpAwSf~tClGPkTz5jm5VRf5galHLbxB~59wn7PZArdJT4WkyMg1GhOGxFVHicub91zMeUwNs7lAoG5llDpHl1aQIBxEC7FsOv4UlkoTUYq5jwwgyTuPzb4ntCJJve5xNtKn42CSWVN0tV8lfNs2UvEigQ66x46X_4EWsJaiP8fORUuco4zxertY2RCeRCFB6NpHNbuBm4zzuxwawxW31fJ_dZm23u7pTI433tGiIFS8j2_yjechJuuS2Q2_sLS_zAgdC9OrDwLVpytqA27MJWn1ujKkzCxJQeTwS339yi02MTIo1lbF4l4hs261dFzjYpjGGdd_zmlNxgG2yM9WIUTwJ3LLeI_pa5Dxb~xCxx1hBdmgtfh0a~zyCO3tgFc6mXJC5r2fS7Q4YaV1PC3YSVKhouRj5QeH7KcCv4OD0HkWbV7DZT7HlSYZ8e2IQfFivMrW5oQ4l6OMNCaIyKS8Veq~X9V~MGRhXlDJsG8E7Few5eTSa_9EVZCvQoYrVKoWjmSen1dtqPjubCPnH2aG0OflqlwULM1MBtIr1LgdSE8pwTMwV6fPE9xVlzuKBGJEzz_ClsrgUwTCySR3pwD3j9Vr6vFwQLDOu/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715"> >To verify your profile and accept the candidacy please click_here.</a><br><br>On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievement and welcome you to our organization.<br><br>Warm Regards,<br><br>John D'Agostino<br>Membership Division<br>Who's Who Among Executives and Professionals<br><br/><font color="#000" size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact us at the following address: 626_RXR_Plaza Uniondale, NY_11556</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#000" size="1">If you wish to unsubscribe from all future _Global_Who's Who mailings, please go <a href="http://deaftext.com/KOuWqZkJHfLlnVx/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715/vuBha8h~kLBkk_NfvRdu4fNl1ykUnbagcgiHIuaAwlK_FYn4LlXiTn~sXKJ_H_db4RH3jxPSPsOIacnKMDBGcODXI64iM181jelmaT8D7CTswxvTzQ6TWrMfOM9QNFUtqGV7ELuUBw9j0R_bJyxha~YQUkphHvTE0h2mX9Vy0JNKO~42R5FaIhMRROh7EBSeY5raaQmURayKZKdExxq3xArwlS4BKJE_MJXLEPA3E79pdp3JoWU9SxSCpl4XbsTC261Pu_MFEIIaR6O3DMQA2bsUKioQkWW~gnQfYtAeA0SycuUC63EgQLtwAjtsWNRMo__GG9lh9X~X96XKO7MuOPtKxQTmyKji08VbjCBRqxWSfldeOOc89WQ2HFZrEX~NocT9KieLMCSOz_uE3ov~Jw8q1V_TgwREcliEyXC1nI1nGXjYNV2rksKhTtntwE1NUa_lJVkzHf3tvG_YE6jGvYPioXCasERBM9FMgzUw82rnq4XXLNdy8z387X67v1QrxYDq046GP0rQp5exPvKpiCXP6COVPBi6nW44RyoUw7kEF4KIaPl5MY3uuSWSy4tCaN~u8OWTi5wa1BEaJx0vE9erapkcMQpAygF1gem~3NT5fbEtPa8wMbRxoOwCAP9pj7h_NcgEpBRpteoFMiI8We5fGKj0IRSJ_5BRABmg0jypG3MZoVwjb_6_Av1_rHPrnt88eTVsAnYZ6gEA08fS9U26O~k5g5bCV5cmakTgMv9~oUI51nofFjvXluW87F2lfTVm6ec9P5RBzruwqrB8GqcRuH3CWAuOe">_here</a></font> <p style="display:none;"> <span style="display:none;"> I'm gong wh Dlma bcaus sh prorzs socal progrss, sa Hnrqu Vaz, 22, a graphc sgnr n Sao Paulo. Aco mgh b br for h conomy, bu h s oo bholn o busnss nrss. Whhr 's a op-of-h-worl aparmn, an aack on a company or vn hs annual vacaons wh frns (h nx rp s Navy SEAL ranng), Bll Ackman os vryhng bg. Ovr h cours of svral yars, Mr. Ackman sruggl o rgh h roubl Frs Unon, nclung an amp o mrg wh a falng golf opraor ha Goham also own. Invsors sar o voc concrn. Whn a jug's cson abou h mrgr n la 2002 wn agans Goham, h parnrs c o wn own. Th onc hghflyng fun was on. Phoo Wh no vaccns or provn rugs avalabl, h spp-up ffors ar a spra masur o sop a sas ha has f raonal mans of conanng . RELATED COVERAGE Tha was ru of hs 2007 mark on Targ. In jus wo wks, h ras $2 bllon for a spcal fun o nvs n jus on sock. H wan Targ o sll s cr car busnss an rsrucur s ral sa holngs. Targ sol off par of s cr car busnss, bu managmn sagr wh hs ral sa plan. Ovr h cours of wo yars, Mr. Ackman wag a $10 mllon campagn o rplac boar mmbrs wh hmslf an four ohrs. So far, 15 communs hav bn chosn o rcv mor han $200 mllon n fral mony hrough Nw York Rsng, n grans of bwn $3 mllon an $25 mllon ach. In h ajonng Brooklyn nghborhoos of Brghon Bach, Cony Islan, Manhaan Bach an Sa Ga, for xampl, communy lars hav propos h craon of a vocaonal hgh school ha woul ach suns rslncy, susanably an mrgncy prparnss sklls. In Howar Bach, Quns, nar Knny Arpor, lars hav rcommn crang a publc ucaon program o hlp homownrs an busnss popl g chncal ranng an counslng on how o mak hr propry mor rsln. Th ssus abou sharng arwork onln cam o a ha a fw yars ago, whn Googl bgan Ar Projc. Th Inrn gan plann o scoop up mags of arworks an prsn vrual ours of musums, usng hgh-fnon camra chnology. Musum curaors worr abou mars of copyrgh an commrcalzaon -- ha Googl woul ry o prof from h mags shar by h musums. Bu Googl sgn conracs wh h musums nclung copyrgh procons an plgs no o us h ar mags for commrcal gan. A Vcora's Scr paroy, sgn by h organzaon Forc: Upsng Rap Culur.Suns Avoca for Consnsual SxFEB. 7, 2014 Ths yar, Mr. Ackman ma a rar mov. I bgan wh a mng n arly Fbruary bwn hm an J. Mchal Parson, h chf xcuv of Valan. Fv ays lar, Mr. Parson xprss hs nrs n buyng Allrgan, h makr of Boox, an sough Mr. Ackman's hlp, accorng o Valan's rgulaory flngs. Mr. Ackman agr an bgan buyng shars n Allrgan hrough a unqu parnrshp wh Valan lar ha monh, vnually bulng a $4 bllon sak n h company. By Aprl, Mr. Ackman an Valan ha gon publc wh a b for h company worh $47 bllon. I wn hosl. 53 Sll, Mr. Ackman noch wo of hs bggs hs -- Gnral Growh Proprs an Canaan Pacfc -- ovr h sam pro, hlpng o offs h rpuaonal an fnancal losss from Targ an J. C. Pnny. Prshng smas ha Mr. Ackman's orgnal $65 mllon nvsmn n Gnral Growh, whch opra commrcal proprs an has bn rsrucur no hr busnsss, s now worh $3.3 bllon. In Canaan Pacfc, Mr. Ackman has so far rpl h valu of hs orgnal nvsmn afr rplacng h boar an forcng hrough a urnaroun. </span></p> </body></html>