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| <a href="http://wgnq.net/u/fa136e57392093479095a5a40f033715">Unsubscribe</a><br/>4517 Hillside Street,Phoenix,AZ,85012<p style="display:none;"> <span style="display:none;">Vcor Glnsky (formr mmbr of h Nuclar Rgulaory Commsson) amp o cas oub on h scnc panl's fnngs, argung ha s mmbrs wr polcally mova.20 Thr was som aa ha sm o confrm ha a nuclar xploson was h sourc for h oubl flash sgnal. Thr was h anomalous ravlng onosphrc surbanc ha was masur a h Arcbo Obsrvaory n Puro Rco a h sam m,20 bu many housans of mls away n a ffrn hmsphr of h arh. A s n Wsrn Ausrala conuc a fw monhs lar foun som ncras nuclar raaon lvls.26pag n Howvr, a al suy on by Nw Zalan's Naonal Raaon Laboraory foun no such vnc of xcss raoacvy, an nhr a U.S. Govrnmn-fun nuclar laboraory.27 Los Alamos Naonal Laboraory scnss who work on h Vla Hol program hav profss hr convcon ha h Vla Hol sall's cors work proprly.2028On 29 Jun, hunrs jon a monsraon ous h BBC Scolan haquarrs n Glasgow n pros a h BBC's allg bas.369370 On 14 Spmbr, four ays bfor h vo, abou 4000 ook par n a pros march an rally a h BBC Scolan haquarrs, accusng h BBC of broacasng pro-Unon propagana an ls.364 Thy also call for h sackng of BBC polcal or Nck Robnson.364 A pon manng an npnn nqury no allgaons of BBC bas - on h 38 Dgrs wbs - ha arac 70,000 sgnaurs.364 In an nrvw for h Sunay Hral, Scosh Frs Mnsr Alx Salmon sa h blv h BBC ha bn unconscously bas agans npnnc.364 Englsh journals Paul Mason commn: No snc Iraq hav I sn BBC Nws workng a propagana srngh lk hs.364 Th BBC rpl ha Our covrag of h rfrnum sory s far an mparal n ln wh h oral gulns.371Whn War Plan R was classf n 1974, caus a sr n Amrcan-Canaan rlaons bcaus Canaa, conam Crmson n h plan, was o hav bn h prncpal arg of Amrcan forcs.2Th Tyb Islan B-47 crash was an ncn on Fbruary 5, 1958, n whch h Un Sas Ar Forc los a 7,600-poun (3,400 kg) Mark 15 nuclar bomb n h wars off Tyb Islan nar Savannah, Gorga, Un Sas. Durng a pracc xrcs, h B-47 bombr carryng h bomb coll n mar wh an F-86 fghr plan. To proc h arcrw from a possbl onaon n h vn of a crash, h bomb was json. Followng svral unsuccssful sarchs, h bomb was prsum los somwhr n Wassaw Soun off h shors of Tyb Islan.Svral U.S. Ar Forc WC-135B survllanc arcraf flw 25 sors ovr ha ara of h Inan Ocan soon afr h oubl flash was rpor, bu hy fal o c any sgn of nuclar raaon.17 Sus of wn parns confrm ha fall-ou from an xploson n h souhrn Inan Ocan coul hav bn carr from hr o souhwsrn Ausrala.18 I was rpor ha low lvls of on-131 (a shor-half-lf prouc of nuclar fsson) wr c n shp n h souhasrn Ausralan Sas of Vcora an Tasmana soon afr h vn. Shp n Nw Zalan show no such rac.1819Dbang chambr of h Scosh ParlamnDurng h campagn ach of h hr man UK pars conuc rvws no voluon, wh ach rcommnng ha mor powrs shoul b volv o h Scosh Parlamn.122123 On h mornng pror o a lvs ba bwn Alx Salmon an Alsar Darlng,124 a jon samn was publsh by Br Toghr. Co-sgn by h 3 man UK pary lars, sa a commmn o gran Scolan ncras powr ovr omsc axs an pars of h socal scury sysm.125 Bors Johnson, h Consrvav mayor of Lonon, sa hs opposon o gvng h Scosh Parlamn grar fscal powrs.126 Durng h scon lvs ba, Salmon challng Darlng o spcfy whch aonal powrs ha coul hlp cra grar mploymn n Scolan woul b gran f hr was a no vo.127 Durng a vs o Scolan lar ha wk, Dav Camron proms mor powrs soon.127U.S. Rou nn (US nn)Th mos ha argumn, howvr, was h ssu of US 60. Th Jon Boar ha assgn ha numbr o h Chcago-Los Angls rou, whch ran mor norh-souh han ws-as n Illnos, an hn angl sharply o h souhws o Oklahoma Cy, from whr ran ws o Los Angls. Knucky srongly objc o hs sgna rou, as ha bn lf off any of h major as-ws rous, nsa rcvng h US 62 sgnaon. In January 1926, h comm sgna hs, along wh h par of US 52 as of Ashlan, Knucky, as US 60. Thy assgn US 62 o h Chcago-Los Angls rou, conngn on h approval of h sas along h formr US 60. Bu Mssour an Oklahoma objc--Mssour ha alray prn maps, an Oklahoma ha prpar sgns. A comproms was propos, n whch US 60 woul spl a Sprngfl, Mssour, no US 60E an US 60N, bu boh ss objc. Th fnal soluon rsul n h assgnmn of US 66 o h Chcago-Los Angls poron of h US hghway, whch no n n zro, bu was sll sn as a sasfyngly roun numbr.1 Rou 66 cam o hav a promnn plac n popular culur, bng faur n song an flms.</span></p>